Izana x Reader

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When a vocaloid sings it better. Okay it is time for NdragonEyes's amazing request but I fell asleep and I procrastinated watching stuff like above and some phan so here we are.

Ever since Izana joined your army you've been paired up with him. Every battle, even during the stupid test of courage Where you choose your own partner. You just paired up together. Mostly because of Corrin but also because you wanted to.

Izana was a fun little ball of energy for a duke. It was a unique trait in royals and it reminded you of Princess Elise a little. He just smiled all the time but when he pouted it was adorable. Over these past battles you've realized something.

You were falling for him. Falling for him. You know you shouldn't be but you couldn't help yourself. Get the reference? Well then we both are shameful.

But he was a duke, yeah? A lowly Oni Savage like you didn't deserve to love someone like that lovely Onimoji. He was literally the perfect person and you were just meh. 

But during today's battle you were I nursed severely. An arrow launched itself into Tourney thigh and another in your ankle while covering Izana from a ballista attack. He was absolutely enraged with not only the enemy, but himself.

Great, this was just perfect! The one day he forgets his staff he has to heal you! He hadn't to find Princess Sakura or Felicia or someone who can take the pain away! His A support partner was writhing in pain because of him! This was the opposite of something to party over. He picked you up bridal style, staring into your tear brimmed eyes.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay."

His voice was lower than normal, way lower and more sincere. It made you instantly trust him. You let your eyes fall closed. You let yourself calm down. You let your body go limp but not die just yet. Your heartbeat and shakily steady breathing was the only thing depicting you as living as you blacked out.

When you woke up you sat up. Huh, no pain in your legs. You would have sworn you'd feel some sort of sting from the two arrow wounds. They must have healed you good because you could feel the arrowheads out of your body. Good thing you fell asleep or thst would be a rollercoaster of pain. Wait, rollercoasters don't exist yet. A gray ocean wave of pain.

You see Izana at your bedside all hunched over with his head down on the side of your bed. Oh no. How long were you out? You placed your hand on top of his head and you Hurd him do a groggily humm as he awakened. He lifted his head and all of that white hair shuffled with him.

"Oh goody! You're awake! That's awesome! I'm so glad you're fine! I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you!"

He grinned wide as he said that. He gave you dokis and shades of gray. He'd never know Hoenn much you loved him. He's sugoi kawaii desu ne. Okay that's enough of claiming Senpais. You smiled at him.

"I wouldn't either. You're practically the only happy thing in my life."

Wait did you really just say that? STUPID CLICHE AUTHOR MAKING YOU DO THIS!!! 

"Well then I need to be by your side like I need you at mine, right?"

He grew more serious. His eyes opened and looked into your own. He was dead serious but he still had his cheery smile tugging at his lips. You were blushing horribly but you managed to stutter out an answer:


Izana casually slips the royal ring of Izumo on your finger without you noticing and he smiled at you with his eyes closed again. 

"Perfect! Then we agree never to leave eachother, right?"


You entwined hands and you finally feel the ring. Wait a second. Was that a proposal?!

...eh you didn't mind either way.

S support reached.

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