(Male) Corrin x (Male) Reader

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I mixed her request up again for a good reason. In fact I just went completely against the request's prompt. Sorry epicface752. But here's a song that will cheer you up!

You were in the forest. You were in the middle of a war and you ran away from a battle with a wound that was fatal. You were a goner. What kind of man would let a single slash in his chest ruin him?

You heard footsteps behind you and you jerked backwards. Blood seeped out of your chest. You met the blood colored eyes of your leader, Corrin. He had a shocked face and he ran up to you.

"(Your name)! You're hurt! Here, I class changed into a Hoshido Noble! I can heal you!"

He ran up to you with a normal bloom festival. He let the magic run over your chest and you felt the magic transfer into you. The wound closed up but something caught your eyes. You reached for your projectile weapon on the ground.

"Corrin watch out!"

A master ninja was about to rush him from behind when you launched the projectile at the assasin and you got him right in the heart. Corrin gasped and looked over his shoulder to see the dead shoulder. You both stood up and were panting heavily.

"Thank you for saving me."

"No problem my lord."

"We should get back to the others."


You both ran out of the Forrest to get back to the battlefield.

Super short and I guess I actually filled the prompt. Sorry guys. I just feel like listening to bo burnam right now. Request if you want tho!


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