Lon'qu x Reader

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The delayed request of StormRaider101 for a special Boi with a special case of gynophobia. Also, can't we take a moment to appreciate that picture? That Steven Universe reference right there? Yeah... that's what fans want. (-low key ships Lon'qu with Cherche-) STORYTIME

Lon'qu enotionlessly stared out the window in the home he hurt for his elf and his son, Morgan. Morgan was playing with one of his Mother's books when suddenly he looked up at his father with an innocent expression.

"Dad, What was mom like?"

The gynophobe with a son, a real life son that he helped make, looked him in the eye. Lon'qu, with a face more solemn than normal, grabbed a book written by his beloved wife. She wrote short stories and doodled about her experiences when she had whatever freetime she could manage, being Yilsse's tactician and all.

Whenever Morgan had a question about you, Lon'qu would pull out this book. Morgan had it memorized by now, but his father would add other experiences and memoirs when reading the stories aloud. 

"Page six."

"The Potato Fight? Didn't I already read this one with you?"

"Yes, but it brings out the best of her."

With a wistful tone in his voice and his eyes scanning the Regina Feroxian Snow, Lon'qu recited the beginning paragraph. Both of the boys had this story memorized. It was by far the widowed husband's favorite.


Lon'qu was sitting and resting underneath a large black oak native to the lands of Yilsse when suddenly a heavy sack landed right next to him. The brunette looked up and saw the cheerful girl with shining orbs with a bright version of their base hue and locks luciously flowing from her head. At the time, Lon'qu was still uneasy around you.

"Lon'qu! I have an idea!"

Lon'qu looked away, blushing. He had grown accustomed to your constant annoying attempts to get him to do some sort of leisurely activity with you, but he still was quit eating uneasy around women. You didn't have that much of an effect anymore.

"Since you like Potatoes so much, I got a bunch! Remember when I tried to spar you from afar with figs? Well why not with your favorite food! Like a food fight or snowball fight! You did have snow back in Regin Ferox, right?"

He had to admit, this girl had energy. He looked over at the potatoes and sighed. He grabbed one and was shocked to see every single one of the hundreds of potatoes in the large sack was peeled, boiled, and perfect for eating. Why waste these?!

"I made them nice and mushy so they don't hurt at contact! If you want to snack on a few that's okay! I seasoned them!"

To demonstrate, Lon'qu saw you reach in for a potato and you took a large chomp out of it. After swallowing the goodness of the potato you flashed him a toothy grin. You then threw the rest st him, signaling the grand potato fight to begin.

Lon'qu wouldn't admit it aloud, but it was an enjoyable experience to him. He never felt so happy, so content. Not since the girl he failed to protect. He was actually smiling and laughing. He never did this.

 Other Shepards Who were spectators wondered if this was their ally or just a spy pretending to be the Lon'qu they all knew. He didn't care. Lon'qu was spending time with you and he didn't feel scared that he was going to fail again. He felt completely safe around a female for the first time in forever.

He never wanted to let her go.

After retelling the story, he looked to see his son all tucked in under the covers with a smirk on his face. Lon'qu rolled his eyes and let a smirk tug on his lips. Morgan had the same affect on him as you did, never failing to make him smile by just being there.

"What are you smirking about?"

He giggled.

"You loved her."

"Oh come here you-"

Lon'qu began okay wrestling with his son. It hukds his strength and their bond. If only you hadn't sacrificed yourself and stayed Grima with your own hands. Maybe you could be a part of the family too.

Morgan and Lon'qu wanted you to be.

Wow, super short I know. And kinda depressing. But it's late and I finished practice so here it is! Enjoy!

 But it's late and I finished practice so here it is! Enjoy!

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