Shigure x Reader

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A child of water, waiting to be seen. Prince of both kingdoms, and one in between. Light blue hair covering an eye, golden orbs gleam, a prince with expectations to soar high. 

No no that wouldn't work! You crumpled up the parchment and threw it behind you. Why couldn't you be as good at poetry as your sister?! You agreed to write him a new song but you couldn't! You just couldn't!

You sighed and grabbed another paper and put your brush against it. You needed to use the same tune but different lyrics. Once you have new lyrics you could make a new tune so he can adjust better. 

Or should you just use the older language because it's easier?! Old English had rules that were easy to follow. Like in Beowulf! What was the rule for epic poetry? The first sound of the second half must be the same as at least one sound in the first half and the most pronounced sound must also have a sound in the first half.

That's too hard!

How did he even think of the first song anyway? He said his mother learned it and taught it to him. Maybe if you knew that one like you knew your own mind you could understand how to make a new song like it.

"You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek, a life behind the shore just out of reach. Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time, the path is yours to cliiiiiimb🎶"

The first and most important verse: the chorus. Lost in thoughts, all alone was truly a unique song that could get annoying but yet stay in your head. If you wanted to be a great poet like your sister you needed to try harder. Maitama was someone hard to be like. Haiku flows easily to her. Words weren't you best thing but you wanted to do this so bad! For him.

You were thinking in your private quarters. Curtains closed tight and papers littering the floor. Your father and sister didn't bother checking up on you. Your mother made sure you ate at least once already, but she was a dimwit. Felicia was kind though, but not exactly the best mother. 

The door opened and light hit your back. You hardly noticed it being nice lost in thoughts all alone yourself. It wasn't your mother, or your sister, or your father. It was the very singer you were creating a song for.

If he asked you to sketchy a portrait or something that would be easier done than said, but since your poetry skills were nonexistent it took you far longer than one would hope. Shigure looked at all the papers on the floor in astonishment. And he thought your sister was wasteful.

Without a word he crouched down. Okay he gave uo in staying in that position because he didn't be there a while. He sat down cross legged and began unraveling different sheets of paper. He read over the lines, crossed out or smudged. They were really good, but not on their own. Maybe if he can combine some together....

He looked up at you and saw how stressed you were. He knew not to bother you when you were working like this, even if it was unhealthy because you would make yourself u healthier worrying about it. He gathered up as many parchments as he could and left. Maybe he could forge soemthing for you, considering how hard you were trying.

Days pass before you even think about leaving your quarters. You haven't slept and you haven't eaten unless you're mother brought in tea and biscuits. That kind soul that was your mother. You would much and work. 

Finally! After four days time you've created something worthy of then son of both Corrin and Azura. You finally made a poem that became a ballad and a confession of sorts. It was subtle so you didn't think it mattered. You thought it was worth it.

You rushed out of there, your priestess dress shifting with every lunge of your foot. Troops greeted you after seeing you for the first time in half a week but you payed them no mind. You were on a mission.

You knew exactly where he was. The clearing at the south end of the Astral Plane where he'd sing to the animals. The animals were comfortable with you because you spent so much time with the prince. You didn't care if you scared any away, you were finally done.

You ran into the clearing to hear his beautiful voice practicing an unfamiliar tune with words that were familiar. Oh wait. Oh no. Not those. Those verses were nothing but soemthing thst came straight out of a garbage can. Straight out of your pen.

"Embrace Your destiny with wide open arms. Bring in fate and face it head on. Never falter, never fear. Allies are hear. Enemies are near. Don't worry. You'll be fine. I'll fight right by your side.🎶"

One of your first attempts. You froze where you were with your papers in hand. Rabbits, squirrels, and bunnies alike surrounded him. He made your terrible writing sound good. HOW!?!?

"A lance, a staff, a tome, a sword. Come at me fiend, you don't know what's I have in store. Face my blade, I fight for my fate. Allies at my side, no reason to hide.🎶"

"A child of water, waiting to be seen. Prince of both kingdoms, and one in between. Light blue hair covering an eye, golden orbs gleam, a prince with expectations to soar high.🎶"

"An army of thousands of soldiers, fighting for peace. A land that deserves to be freed. Marionette on the other side. Friends and family at my side.🎶"

"Sing with me a song, of heirs and strings of fate. Can nobody save me a seat of late? Within my broken heart dwells, hope we'll survive. Allies please, hear my cry.🎶"

You stood there dumbfounded. He made your crap pages into something great. You just stared at him as his eye open and he smiled at you. He stood up and walked over  you. He placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I loved it. Thank you."

You looked at the paper in your hands, then back in his golden eye. You smiled wide.

"You're welcome."

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