Stahl x Reader

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NdragonEyes's make up request for out Boi because who doesn't love him? This time the reader WILL BE SHY!!! Mark my words. MARK THEM

You were looking out into the battlefield. The fight against another force of Plegian soldiers had just finsihed. You seethed your sword to your scabbard in your belt. You hated taking lives, but you needed to fight for your haildom. Any extra mercenary was needed in this war.

You were startled when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and spun around to see the green haired cavalier standing there with his normal nonchalant smile. Your face grew red just seeing him and your heartbeat quickened.

Fun fact about you, dear reader. I'm case you haven't read the title this is STAHL X READER, meaning you have a crush on Stahl. I also am tired and I break the fourth wall a lot when I'm tired.

Stahl swam your face grow redder than Sully's Armor when meeting his eyes. This happened often and you would try to avoid him. It was starting to hurt a little. But this time there was progress, Shen merely averted her eyes shyly. Stahl found this a little cute.

"Great job, (Your name). Want to head to get something in our stomachs? You look like you need it."

You were cutting back on your portions to make you skinnier. Sure, you had a small frame to begin with, but you were eating to much lately. Besides, you wanted to look good for Stahl. But having him so close made the butterflies in your stomach do the Tango. And not just at Tango. A slap Tango.

"Oh! date?"

Did you Seriosuly just ask that?! You wanted to go find a rock and climb under it. Why did you ask that?! It wasn't like he was asking you on a fancy lunch or to a  ovie or to hang out or to sneak away from camp for a night under the stars...wait...where were we? Right. This wasn't some movie cliche question to go somewhere, just to somewhere in camp. Camp that was yet to be set up.

Stahl flinched at the question. The redness in her fsce intensified a and she covered her face in her hands. So that's why she had been avoiding him lately! That's why she said always embarrassed! Stahl let out a slight chuckle and grabbed her hands.

He relied them off of her face so that her fingers are now entwined in his. He forced her eyes to look in his. The red in her face looked like it was burning her alive. Stahl didn't really realize one could blush that hard.

"Yeah, like a date. Now, Shall we?"

He moved to your side, releasing one of your hands. You just stared at him a moment. What just happened? How did that escalate so quickly? Oh well. Your face was burning anywho. you lightly squeezed his hand because you always wanted to.

Stahl took the first step forward and you mimicked the action. Soon enough, you both were trying to find where the mess hall would be this time. Stahl was getting hungry for the eighteenth time today.

These were super short. I'm so sorry. Just tired. I hope you enjoyed! (Low key proud of that Foleo Fic.)


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