Takumi x Reader

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Request by a friend of mine named Beyond-The-Sky! It's their first request so I promise to make this good! With my girl Wolfychu up with her boyfriend SweetoTunes in the video above I'm ready to write!

You smiled with a little box in hand. Today was special to you, oml you you, and no one else but you. You walked around the Astral Plane looking for a certain Hoshidan Prince. You saw Corrin talking with his little sister, Sakura.

"Lord Corrin, Lady Sakura, have you seen Lord Takumi?"

Corrin smiled at you but Sakura melancholically frowned. She shook her head.

"I haven't."

"Neither have I. But I heard he had duty at the Lottery Shop today."

You smiled at him, Galncing at the box for a second before replying.

"Thank you!"

You walked away from them and near the Lottery Shop to see your favorite Hoshidan out of everyone in them army. Corrin crossed his arms and smirked and Sakura let out a single laugh.

"You think she's going to make Big Brother happy?"

"Takumi isn't one to show affection, but she is. I don't know what today is but it's must be special to (your name)."

Back to you. You entered the Lottery Shop and saw Takumi sitting behind the counter with his face resting on his fist. He looked extremely bored. He saw you and sighed, standing up. You smiled at him, hiding the box behind your back.

"Welcome to the Lottery Shop. Here to test your luck?"

You walked up to the counter with the widest grin possible. A grin so enthusiastic and pure it would put Kana's to shame. 

"Nope! I just wanted to talk to you."

Takumi scoffed and sat back down with his arms crossed. He wouldn't admit it but he was glad to have a little company. 

"There's penalty of other people to talk to. Why do you always pester me?"

You placed the box on the desk. It was wrapped in white paper with a red ribbon around it. It was about as long as your middle finger to your wrist and as wide as one side of an axe. Takumi raised an eyebrow.

"Well, exactly five years ago I met you so I thought I'd celebrate today by giving you a gift!"

You were so innocent. Takumi felt his cheeks heat up but his pride wouldn't let him show his happiness. He scoffed at it.

"Wow. Cheesy. Let me guess, an arrowehead? Thanks or whatever."

His lack of enthusiasm was disheartening. You didn't let it get to you. You kept your smile up. Today was special to you.

"Won't you open it?"

Takumi sighed.

"I honestly really don't care. If you aren't going to test your luck just scram, okay? I'm busy."

That broke you. You had a frown, which never happened. You never did anything less than smile. You looked down sadly, causing Takumi to regret his words. He didn't show it though. His stupid pride got in the way of sincerity.


He watched you walk out of the shop. When you closed the door oh so quietly behind you he scrambled to get the box and he opened it. He gasped at what he Saw.

Takumi had been complaining how his hair was getting in the way a lot recently and how his normal hairpiece that kept his ponytail in was falling apart. So you took apart your own clothing to get the perfect shade of crimson red and the purest whit and weaved it into a new set of hairpieces. One for the bottom of his hair and one for the top. Both were white with the Hoshidan symbol in Red in a pattern along it. 

Takumi lifted them both up and something underneath in the box was aparent. The depth of the box was not really important until now. The box was as deep as the length of one's pinkie. Inside the box remained a golden chain necklace with a charm a light blue with a red engraving on it and white words on a red stripe in the center saying Hoshido

Takumi had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. That's when Sakura walked in. She said she was going to be spending some sibling time with Corrin today so he didn't understand why she was here.

"Big Brother... did (your name) come and talk to you?"

She looked at the box and him looking at the presents. She shut her mouth as Takumi nodded. She walked up to the counter.

"Did you say something to her? When I saw her she looked like she was going to c-cry..."

Takumi's eyes went wide and he jumped up. He took the box and scrambled to out everything back in it. He just wanted to hide weakness, not hurt anyone. Sakura watched him sprint out of the Lottery Shop. Sakura sighed and took his place behind the counter.

Takumi ran without knowing where to go. He hustled with the box in hand, scrambling to keep it closed and everything insinde. He saw Corrin and he rushed up to him.

"Where is she?!"

"By the Dawn Dragon statue."

Takumi rushed away and Corrin watched him run. He never saw Takumi run so fast. He smiled seeing how much his little brother truly cared about her. If only he could care that much about him.

Takumi ran to the statue and he saw you curled into a ball underneath the left wing of the statue. He felt guilt pang through his whole being. He walked slowly in front of you with the box. You sensed him and you lifted your head. Your eyes were red and puffy.


Takumi didn't know what to do. He was conflicted on the inside. All he could agree to do was smile, crouch down in front of you and say:

"I'm not busy anymore."

I'm ending it there's because I don't know what else to add. I hope you liked it!

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