Kaden x Reader

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I want to see him sing Nice to meet you Mr. Earthling. Why? A Kitsune meeting humans and falling in love with one is just like the song! 

Japanese And Gakupo version but whatever. Still catchy AF. Let's get into the story Shall we?

Children AU (you both are children, 'Kay?)

You were just in a clearing of the forest. Had deciduous trees losing their leaves or covered in red, orange, and yellow. It was Autumn, your favorite season. Leaves falling and nice crisp weather was your idea of a perfect day.

You were just sitting in the center and making  a giant pile of the crusty leaves. Your pike was growing large like a snowman would. You smiled as you found the perfect height and width for the pile. You walked backwards so you can get a running start. 

You sprinted and jumped into the pile, sliding a little on top of the leave side and laughing hard. That's when you heard a rustling in the bushes that still were green in the Fall Forest. You look over in the direction of the noise.

You see orange peeking out from the kush bush and then suddenly a boy with the ears and tail of a fox sprouted up with a grin matching yours. Your face twisted into an expression of awe. He had a cheerful voice.

"Hey! I'm Kaden! That looks like fun! Can I join you?"

You nodded happily. It would be nice to have company for once. He helped you rake the leaves back itnto he large pile and then add double the amount of rp double hen amount of bodies jumping into it.

You both ran and jumped into the crunching leaves and they flew around. Both of you were hand in hand and laughing happily. That's when an older species like him with fox ears and a tail came looking for Kaden.

"Kaden! You know not to stray far from the Hamlet!"

"Oh! Mom! Look what I found! A human! Can we keep her? Please please PLEASE?!"

He begged his apparent parent. You were just gathering leaves again in case you couldn't stay and jump into the pile again. You were a naive child. His mother looked over at you and she sighed.

"Fine, only because she's human cub. She can't hurt us."

Kaden cheered and grabbed your wrist.

"Come on! I want to take you home!"

You, being the naive child you were already, cheered and followed the weird and cool being. You followed him and his mother uo the mountain and to where you're new home would be. On the way he explained a lot about the Kitsune Lifestyle.

When you didn't return hike to you're villaige the word went around that you went missing. Just poof and gone. A little girl going missing.

Time skip to adulthood.

Kaden got lost again with you. Every time he ventured somewhere you'd be right there, aging along. He had to find someone he owed a favor to.

You ended up in Nestra's Capital. He had trouble thinking of how to help but he wasn't a female dancer and you didn't look like her at all. You didn't know how to deal with this situation until a group of people came by.

They found a way to return the favor and he was happy and now owed them a favor from helping him with that favor. This happened often. 

So now both of you were going to help them fight in the war.


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