Arthur x Reader

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Can we just talk about how underrated this man is? And awesome? Okay he deserves a one shot.

You were walking in town. Corrin had tasked you with gathering new weapons and extanging the older ones for cash. You succeeded in your duty and pulled the wagon behind you on the way back.

On the way back you had to pass on a dirt road. On the dirt road you heard muffled cries for help. You turned and to the side there was a large pitfall. Unnoticed pitfall? What was this, Animal crossing?

You walked over there with your little cart of weaponry and peered in.  Inside was the hero of the army, Arthur. You sighed and shook your head right before he noticed you. His mouth curbed into a smile.

"(Your name)! It's my lucky day! Can you hoist me up, fellow comrade?"

You couldn't help but smile at your friend in need. You wondered what absurd story it was this time? You took joy in listening to his tales of misfortune and heroism. You always were in the mood for a good story.

"Sure, why not?"

You say and reach a hand down. You forgot how much his muscles weigh and you were pulled down into the pitfall. You blink and notice that you were sitting ontop Of the Hero fore he recovered from the stun so you just scooted off. 

He groaned and sat up in the pitfall as you looked up. Wow he really found a deep one today. Maybe it was set for a cavalier or something? Who knows. Lady Luck just didn't like to stick around Arthur too much.

Arthur sat up and saw you sitting across the narrow her deep pitfall and he chuckled nervously. You looked at him. His nervous laugh was still too damn heroic! He was like he came from a Monty python movie god damn it! Pardon your language.

"Lady Luck doesn't side with Justice yet again."

Arthur let out a sigh and looked to the bottom of the pitfall. You somewhat had a surge of pity so you walked over to him in your knees and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"At least the cart didn't fall with me."

He looked up and grinned that heroic grin.

"You're right! It didn't! Maybe Luck is on my side!"

With that, the cart tipped over. You said a silent little prayer to yourself. This was the death of you. Curse you and your big mouth.

But you didn't die. You open your eyes and see Arthur pinned above you with a wincing look on his face. He did NOT just take a cart of swords for you. He did NOT just take a cart of swords for you.

Holy freak he actually did. 


He sat back, skidding a little as you rush around him to see the wounds. Luckily it was a small cart for the few swordsmen in your army. One stuck pretty good in his shoulder but other than that he was fine. Thank goodness.

"Hold up! Naga that's a big wound... here."

You ripped the bottom of your clothes up. Arthur immediately covered his eyes but you rolled yours. A little stomach never hurt nobody. The instant you pulled the sword out he yelped and you wrapped the wound making sure it didn't bleed out.

You puffed out an air of relief and walked around the pitfall back to Arthur. You flashed him the signature dawn smile from Pokémon.

"No need to worry."

Arthur smiled and chuckled. You both looked up to the sky. It would take a whole for anyone's to find you two.

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