Hinata x Reader

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Theeeeeeere's Wolfychu's animation! If felt wrong to not use it because I'm such a big fan of her and her boyfriend. They have amazing channels okay? Now for the second version of this AU!

Zombie Apocolypse AU

Our Love story could be kinda gory far from boring you'd meet in a post apocolypse. You did be slowly walking in a group stalking he'd be the only man alive but you could not resist!

And all his friends would try and kill you both only because they were mistrustful and because they were envious of your love!  Even if you were a zombie, you'd never eat his brain. You just wanted his heart. Yeah you wanted his heart. Yeah you wanted him. 

He had a double barrel shotgun, taking out the slow ones, and pasison burned in your eyes. You tried to hold off the other of your undead kind so he won't have to deal with them. Who was "he"?

He was a brunette man with a scar under his eye named Hinata. His friends were already killed. By who? You. Duh. What we're their names again? Takumi And Oboro? How tragic when they became undead. Burn no worries because you never would dar eforce him to face the traumatic event of killing them himself. 

You found an abandoned building. There was a room with a key next to it. You took the key and his it in your open ribs so nobody could take it. You made sure the room was clear and no other undead scum was nearby.

Hinata was on the floor below, the second floor of three. He already destroyed my the stairs but Zombies could climb, but only so high. You knew this because you tried. You lost an arm doing so. Luckily they just snap right back on. Only if organs didn't fall out as often. Maybe you should just ditch your organs someday. But it made you feel more alive. More alive for Hinata.

"Hinata! Upstairs!"

You called tomhim from up the stairs. The brunette ran backwards, slashing some of the zombies with a katana he had found laying around. He ran up the stairs and started to smash them down. There was a hammer in the corpse of a once human so you took I think and slammed it down on the cobblestone, causing it to collapse on the inferior undead beings.

Hinata found the room and tried to frantically open it but it was locked. He looked panicked but you took the key out of your eleventh and twelfth rib and unlocked the door. Just like you left it, nothing was in there except some food rations. Food? For the living? That was rare.

"Woah. That was close! Thanks (Your name) I owe ya! For a lot ya know... For not infectin me and all that."

He blushed slightly and laughed. It made you fall even deeper in love. You felt instincts try to take over once again. To bite his neck like a vampire and let the disease spread through his body. You shook it off. He immediately grew concerned when you started shaking your head so violently it broke off of your neck. 

He ran to your head and picked it up, snapping it back onto you neck. You looked down at your bony and rotten fingers. Hinata placed a hand on your undead shoulders, making you crave his touch. But you couldn't. He was alive. You couldn't take his life.

"What's wrong?"

You sighed out.

"You know, I try not to bite and infect you because I respect you too much... That's why I'm waiting until we get married. You know our happiest moments were spent picking off all of my 'friends' You know your friends would say? A love this deep can't be burried......"

Hinata looked down at yourself fiddling with your hands as you eyes, or whatever's leftover, turn a bloodshot red. Hinata made a decision he swore to never regret. He brought his hand up to your chin and he brushed your cold nonliving lips.

Hinata pressed his lips to yours and he forced himself to bite down on your skin transferring the disease into him. A poison like substance ran through his veins rapidly causing his skin to become green and decay somewhat. Blood scattered across his skin like it couldn't scab up.

WHen he broke the kiss he was a Zombie. You stumbled back, bloody tears forming in your eyes. You hands covered your mouth causing him to frown.

"Why did you throw away your life?!"

You screamed at him. He got his warm, fun smile back.

"Because I love you. Now we have enterinity together! We can do all kind so of thing s like jump out of three sorry buildings and we don't have to kill the zombies if they aren't after us anymore! It's for the best, right?"

You paused.

"I thought you valued your life, Hinata...."

He took your hands in his own.

"Some things are more important than a beating heart or working lungs."

Okay, I wrote this and even that last line hit me right in the feels. OOF.


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