Gaius x Reader

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I have a friend named NdragonEyes who SPECIFICALLY told me to give Gaius some sugar so I have one question for you all thst you probably saw coming a mile away...

Do you like Pocky? How about Pocky Modern AU?

Ah school. Something that everybody hates. And if you say you like it, well, you're lying to yourself.

But fear not because today you had a really old lady as a substitute and she said you could do anything as long as it's with school rules. So basically anything with gaius in the room because he tricks he by saying it is in school rules.

Life was great.

But boring

So you were bored and you pulled out a box of Pocky to snack on because Gaius got the little old lady believe we could eat in class. So you were there, snacking in a strawberry Pocky because chocolate was so overrated, and you were just zoning out.

Then someone slammed their hand on your desk and you meet the eyes of the candy loving deceived himself. His eyes were sharp and demanding. Younknew what's he wanted. You sighed.

"Gaius, no."

"Gaius Yes."


"If you won't give me one I'll just have to share."

Oh crap. Gaius was known to be the master of the Pocky game. When someone doesn't give him Pocky he starts the game and nobody hasn't ever beaten him before. He had a reputation, as stupid as it is.

The whole class heard the challenge and circled your desk. Some muttering and some chanting the stupidest stuff like yours names. You hit the rest of your current one and rolled your eyes. You took the strawberry Pocky and placed the part with no... yogurt? Let's go with yogurt. The part with no yogurt in your mouth while the orange haired deceiver took the other end.

Both of you bit into the center. Both of you refusing to back down. Glaring st one another. The substitute assumed this was fine because the 'good child gaius' was doing it too. Poor old lady doesn't even know the crap about to go down.

Last bite goes to him. Without any bothers given he lunged foward. He took the rest and kissed you. By now the girl, or even guy, would back down without another word and with a deep blush. Not you.

You held out. Heck, you even kissed him back! The class went nuts. Some girls recording this on their phones. Some boys yelling at Gaius to, And I quote, "get some" and that one fangirl screeching "I ship it!"at the top of her lungs. The old lady was low key shipping it too. 

Gaius ended up being the one needing air and he pulled away gasping. A trail of saliva connected both of you. Wait, who used their tongue? Was it him? Okay or was most likely you. You smirked and wipes your lips on your sleeve playfully. The class president held your hand up and shouted:


The class cheered. Gaius was a Sore loser. He reached in your box a and grabbed another, placing it in his lips. You cocked an eyebrow at him. With a feint blush he stated:

"I demand a rematch."

Let's just say you didn't stop playing the game until after class. And even then you went to shin appartment and 'played' Some more~



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