Ryoma x Reader

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So epicface752 gave me an epic prompt so here is an epic story that I will rpbably fail because the story is too good for me. Let's try this. 

Arrows launched at you and your beloved Kinshi. Checking the border had some side affects because archers were near and ready for fire. You were able to dodge it mostly but an arrow pierced through your kinshi's wing. 

You went tumbling to the floor. You had to jump off of the Kinshi to avoid from being crushed by her large feathery body. You roll on the ground with pain and your Kinshi flails to get up. She run so away in terror and pain leaving you alone with a circle of archers around you.

You took your bow out and stared at them, but fear in your being. You're used to having a mount to help you. You're useless on your own.

Your Kinshi managed to rampage in camp where it found Sakura and Ryoma. It still had an arrow launched in her wing. Sakura screamed and his behind red ryoma while he prepared to take outs his legendary sword. But he saw the scar over her left eye. This was your kinshi. His eyes went to the large bird's wing and then he turned to Sakura.

"Sakura, you need to heal her wing."

Sakura looked at the wing in question and gasped. The bird didn't look like it was a ravenous beast anymore, but a poor Injured animal in need of help.Sakura went to work right away and your bird calmed down.

Ryoma thought. He ordered you to be on boarder patrol. If you're bird was here without you, then you have to be in trouble. He ran towards the boarder area he assigned me you with his hand over his sword.

You were exaughsted and your bow broke so you had to fight a bunch of archers with a steel Nagianta. You had injuries and blood everywhere and an arrowhead lodged in your shoulder you were scared to take out due to bleeding out. You stood before five more archers. Yes, you were only able to take out half.

That's when lightning shot down, blue lightening. No way. The lobster lord himself came to your rescue cutting down the archers with ease and so few slices. You look at him like she he's your idol, but the adrenaline died down and even more pain surged in your body. You fell to your knees sobbing. 

Ryoma Ran over to you and he fell on his knees in front of you, taking in all your injuries. Oh you can actually see the bone on your arm. Huh. Neat.

Ryoma without words lifted you up bridal style and rushed you back to camp to a healer. You just quietly snobs in pain.  

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