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so you already know that fire emblem awakening fits the Hamilton musical, right? Ecspecially the Cordelia thing?

so you already know that fire emblem awakening fits the Hamilton musical, right? Ecspecially the Cordelia thing?

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Well Hamilton isn't the only musical that the awakening cast is perfect for!

TA DA!!!


Okay so Robin is Veronica because protagonists

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Okay so Robin is Veronica because protagonists.

 Olivia is Martha despite her being skinny af but that can also be why she's teased. Plus Olivia is super shy and I can imagine her always wanting a happy ending.

Henry is JD because insanity why are you my clarity?

Maribelle is Heather chandler because both can be female dogs if you catch my drift and she's bossy.

Severa is heather duke because she always lashes and after chandler dies she takes the reins and makes everything almost worse.

Lissa is NacMara because of Maribelle's role as chandler and she fots as the cinnamon roll like heather.

Vaike And Virion Are Kurt and Ram because come on. Imagine these two singing blue. That are hilarious.

What are your thoughts on this? Comment below plz! Also you can request if you want and anyone can enter the LiveToServe challenge!


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