Shigure x Reader

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You were in the clearing in the woods. You were alone. Your sister, mother, and father nowhere near. That's perfect. Now you could practice. Practice what? Something you never ever thought you'd ever be good at.

You raised your arms in front of you abruptly humming the tune. What were the words before you had to do that motion? Embrace the dark.

No way you couldn't learn this dance! It was so complicated! Maybe if you learned the song first? No you already memorized that! Embrace the dark , you call a home. Gaze upon an empty white throne. A legacy of lies, a familiar disguise. Sing with me a song of conquest and fate. The black pillar cracks beneath its weight. Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone. Lost in thoughts, all alone.

Yep you had it down, you needed the moves! If you were going to preform this for your Father's birthday you wanted to be successful. You wanted to dance for him like he taught you, your mother, and your sister to dance.

Somyou move your arms here and step out p, revealing yourself to the audiance. Take it one step at a time, keep in beat, find your rhythm, forget your anxieties and just dance.

Let's see. Embrace the dark, you call a home. Your arms are up and you let them bloom out. They stretch down to your legs and you used hand motions to define your thighs. You make sure to close your eyes halfway in a seductive manner. It was a seductive dance. Basically the Regards to Love: Eros of the pair. Gaze upon an empty white throne...

What you didn't know is that you had an audiance. Shigure was watching with a smug smile wiped over his face. He didn't even know he did smug! It must be from his father's, not his mother. 

He watched you try to perfect the dance his mother preformed in Neatra in front of Garon. He could see you mouthing the words. In all honesty it was pretty cute to see you try so hard. You were getting it right for the most part, but your movements were ridged. Movements in this dance were choppy at times but you were making it choppy when it shouldn't be. He sighed to himself. 

"She's not doing it right."

He watched you try the next one. You brought your hands up, trying to imagine the water surrounding you. Azura has water, yeah? A legacy of lies, a familiar disguise. Each arm went around your face before blossoming out again and you had to begin the main part of the performance. But before you could get into it an angelic voice called out:

"Stop stop."

You turn and see Shigure walking out. He was watching you?! You blush scarlet, which brightened up the dark Nohrian night. He walked straight in front of you and then stopped. He took your hand amd he spun you around until your back was pressed against him. Your blush intensified. 

"You move your hips a lot more and when moving your arms down it's more fluid. Follow my lead."

Shigure woudlnt let his embarrassment stop him from going into Teacher mode. But in reality it would be basically both of you grinding if you were going to move your hips into the dance like he said. JUST STATING THE FACTS PUT AWAY YOUR LABEL GUNS WITH THE WORD 'PERVERT' ON IT!!!

He led your arms down and up again with his hips guiding yours. Your heart accelerated and you heard his too. Well this was how he learned to dance so it was the right way, yeah? His mother when he was little taught him to dance by dancing it right behind him, then beside him, then watching him.

"Embrace the dark."

Shigure began to mindlessly song while showing you the moves. You caught on and thought this was part of it. Did he want you to sing too? You'll join in the second verse. Your singing was nothing compared to his angelic voice anyways.

"You call a home. Gaze upon Ann empty white throne. A legacy of lies, a familiar disguise."

Okay now your voice blended with his in perfect harmony. You'd never guess it, but you had the voice thst perfectly rivaled his. The similarity Andy contrast blended to make one ultimate sound and it wasn't pleasant to all the woodland creatures nearby, so much you had a mini audiance on your hands.

"Sing with me a song of conquest and fate. The black pillar cracks, beneath its weight! Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone. Lost in thoughts , all alone."

Shigure decided to go the extra mile and transform the best of the song his mother sings all the time into the end of this song.

"You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek. A life beyond the shore just out of reach."

You caught on quickly and he soon became twirling you around lie kiss a duet partner in a slap Tango. Well  just a regular tango. Slap tangos are perverted and THIS AUTHOR ISNT BOIIIIIIIIIIII

"Yet the water still ever change, flowing like time, the path is yours to cliiiiiiiimb."

With that you end in the cliche 'boy Is carrying girl below him' position. You both were panting a and his blue hair hair fell foward a bit revealing his second eye. You gasp and just stare into his gorgeous orbs. You get lost in them before the little woodland creatures cheer.

Both of you snap out of your own liittle world and look at tall the little rodents. Oh and the bear in the back. You look over at Shigure who is politely smiling and gives a little bow. He looks over at you and winks, now that's you can see his other eye you can tell. 

You blush again and give a bow. The animals cheer for you more as you stand back upright and turn to Shigure.

"Thanks for helping me. My Father's birthday is coming up and I-"

"No need for Thanks. It was my pleasure."

With a little blow kiss, he walked off into the night. You stared at him as he did so. Okay maybe you were drooling.... and looking tan his butt. BUT YOU WERENT A PERVERT YOU SWORE!!!

... okay maybe you were 

I had fun writing this one. I was Inspired by the song above. Every time I find something with Shigure singing I mean pleasantly surprised!

 Here's a mini challenge. Find the best Shigure anything! One shots, arts, music, meme videos, anything and post the link right here under the comments below this statement. I can't wait to see what you bring me!


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