Leo x Reader

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Request by xxRobinxSenpaixx

Modern AU

Leo walked home behind you while you layed on the couch in your interten browsing position. He glanced at your screen and internally groaned. This again? You really were youtube trash.

You were watching your favorite youtubers on the couch. New upload, it wasn't o Ike's you weren't going to watch. You were youtube trash number one. Your favorite just happened to have updates exactly when you want them to. Like, when you have a crap day in school.

Because updates every hour don't exist. 

Oh, I forgot to mention. You and Leo were dating and you shared an apartment and attended college at Nohr University. 

So Leo decided to move your legs and sit down next to you. Even though it was internet trash, it was captivating. He hated how he always would procrastinate his work to watch with you. You were a very special girl to get his attention.

You notice the new weight on the couch and pop out your earbuds, blaring the video out. You sit up and lay on his shoulder, holding the laptop between you two. This was your idea of a relaxing night.

"Who is it this time? Pewdiepie? Markiplier?"

"(Favorite youtuber). New video."

"I see."

And you both enjoyed the video. This was your perfect evening. So relaxing. When Leo puts down his book to watch with you it means something.

It means even more when you stay up way too late just watching random YouTube videos. It went from five in the afternoon to ten at night. Now you were watching crack videos of your favorite fandoms.

Well, were.

You fell asleep on Leo's shoulder listening to the internet is here from Dan and Phil. Leo looked over at you. Calmly, he turned off the laptop and placed it on the table by the sofa. You must have had a really bad idea.

He slowly placed you off of him and shut off all the lights, locked the door, and grabbed blankets. He came back to the couch where he saw you cringing in your sleep. 

Leo sighed to himself. You had the devil's own luck to have him in your life. He cuddled with you and wrapped both of you into a blanket and fell asleep himself. You nothin would pay for this in the morning when you have to wake up at three for your early morning shift at Starbucks before classes.

Oh well. Now is cuddle time.

Sorry I'm taking so long. I'm just kinda off. Uninitiated in a way. Sorry.


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