Silas x Reader

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Request by DewGlow128

Modern AU

High school is literal hell. Know that Reader. Ecspecially going to a school full of bullies, drug addicts, and bad reputations. Everyone is a predator for the next gossip, everyone on edge to tear the next person apart.

But there is one person that makes living through High School worth it. His name is Silas, your best friend. You've been through everything together. Everything but the things that you have to wait for in adulthood. 

But what I'm trying to say is thst you're inseparable. You're so close that people think you're dating. Which neither of you minded because you both had small crushes on the other but you never let that get in the way.

Until tonight.

It's New Years Eve and the fireworks show for your neighborhood (you're neighbors bow, next door too.) and Silas went with you. Since it gets cold where you live you were bundled up in a single fleece and a scarf with jeans. Silas, knowing stubborn you would never admit you were cold, brought an extra layer on him.

So it was going normal.

You both sat down to watch the fireworks in the cold, dead night. Chilly air breathing through your fleece, maybe you should have listened to your mom about wearing a better coat. Silas knew this was the case.


He extended his arm with an extra jacket. He knew you so well. You flashesd a smile at him and out it on immediately. You lean on his shoulder. It was such a nice feeling, but not as friends. Maybe at midnight with the countdown... no. That's weird. You're best friends. Best friends. He doesn't want you. OR SO YOU THOUGHT!!!

Silas felt your weight on his shoulder and lit up like a Christmas tree, but you didn't see because you were so enthralled by the little explosions in the sky. Without thinking he wrapped his arm around you. You didn't mind, he didn't mind. Maybe at the end of the countdown... no. That's weird. You're best friends. Best friends. He doesn't want you. OR SO HE THOUGHT!!!


Oh it's already starting!


You sit up and realize Silas had his arm around you. Awww. If only it was more than a friendly gesture. 


You and Silas meet eyes.


Silas takes his hand and placed it on your shoulder out of pure instinct. He was going to do it, Andy you'd hate it. But maybe there was a chance.... maybe....


Oh naga was Silas going to kiss you!? No way! That's  dream! You must have fallen asleep on Silas again. 


Silas had his other hand on your other shoulder.


you notice his tongue lightly brush over his lips. You flush red.


Silas noticed you mimicked his nervous action. Cute.

TWO !!!

This was it. Was it happening!?



His lips crashed onto your own. It was I experiance day and sloppy, but who gives a care! If it was with Silas it was the perfect first kiss. You melted. You became one with him. You let him do whatever he wanted.

Silas took this the wrong way, somehow, and pulled away with a blush. YOu both ignore the fact that a trail of saliva still connected you two together.

"I'm sorry it was the heat of the moment and-"

You placed a finger on his lips, looking in his eyes.

"Silas you have no idea how long I was waiting for that."

Silas smiled and went in for another kiss.

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