Inigo x Reader

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Because who doesn't like love him? No words needed, storyime!

You were fighting for the Aksum empire as a hero. You were pulled out of Yilsse after the war to fight once more. Being one for Justice, you gladly offered your staff in help. You were a cleric, of course. 

So the summoner had his gun out again. He was trying for a swordsman because you had way too many lancers in the army. You're beloved boyfriend from back home was  a swordsman, so you'd watch just in case he'd join you.

He left for the dragon's gate a long time ago, so maybe you'd rendezvous here. He had five red orbs to summon out of his divine weapon. Alfonse And his sister were trainings with Commander Anna. You held your reconcile close.

The first summon was the Hero King, Marth. The summoner told you he was a four star hero's, not a five star like his wishes. Apparently heroes had star ratings in his eyes and he claimed you were a five star healer.

The second swordsman who came through was your Boyfreind's mother, Olivia. She was a three star, dissapointing to the summoner. You ran to her and she ran to you, embracing you. You were like her daughter in law already.


"Oh sweet child, I'm so glad you're safe. You disappeared one day it made me and Lon'qu so worried!"

"I'm fine. I'm just being used as a healer here. I'm hoping Inigo will join us..."

You looked back at the summoner. Olivia watched in awe as another swordsman was Shots out of the red orb. You think you knew them but not sure. She was very familiar. She had red hair. She looked over at you and her face fell. The summoner muttered something bad about another three star.



You ran up and hugged your best friend and Olivia was curious. She dissapeared a while ago, why was she showing up just now? You didn't care. You hugged her tight. She must have also been at the dragon's gate with your beloved.

"Stop hugging me! You'll ruin my outfit! Where are we? This isn't Nohr! Where's Lady Camila?!"

Olivia was confused as heck, but you inferred it was the world behind the dragon's gate. You let her go and watched as the next swordsman same through. Apparently a four star Lon'qu. Olivia ran to her husband who shyly embraced her back. Severa scoffed and you whispered to her:

"You know, Coredlia's Here."

She gasped and dropped her sword. You watched the last red orb. The summoner was smiling about  five star. When the puff cleared you saw him, butnin a different uniform. He saw you and you both ran to eachtoher.


"(YOUR NAME)!!!"

You had a tight embrace. Inigo saw his parents also standing there with smiles Andy tears in there eyes. Severa already left to find her Mom. It was a family reunion in Aksr. You'd have to explain to them about Emblia.

But everyone was together, like it should have been.

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