Kaden x Reader

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You were alone, like normal when you joined this god forsaken army. Hell, you were always alone before you even came here. It was like you had some sort of human repellent on you. But, then again, sometimes being alone was good. It meant nobody could see the worst of you, which you were positive everyone hated.

In reality you were scared. You were scared of getting close to someone only to see the, die. You were scared of getting close to someone only for them to hate you like everybody else did. The world was no different. People were no different. War was no different. 

Then you met him. Kaden.

Sire, he was half fox but he still was the most beautiful man you knew. He saw you and went up to talk to you, despite having nerdy glasses and being super round. Imagine Martha dunstock, but you. 

"Hey! Who are you?"

You pressed your glasses against your face and looked down at the floor. You weren't very skilled at social interactions, having no friends and all your family die in front of your young eyes. Seriously, you were three when a Nohrian soldiermcame I to town and just swung his axe on their necks. Why did they spare you? Psychological trauma. That or they needed someone to tell the story like at the Alamo.

"Oh, me? Why do you care. I'm just a nobody."

Kaden cocked his head cutely and looked into your eyes.

"You don't look like nobody, you're definately somebody. Who are You?"

This fox would be a little persistent. Oh boy. You sighed and looked in his chocolate eyes. A lot of people in this army had those milk chocolate eyes yet his looked special. They looked playful and fun and like they genuinely wanted to be there.

"I'm (Your name). But I don't matter. Don't waste your time, why don't you find Corrin?"

With that you turned to leave him there but his hand reached out for your wrist. His fingers wrapped around it and it forced your large mass to halt. You turned around to face the fox once more anencephaly he had a stern look painted on his lips.

"Don't ever say you don't matter again. Everybody matters. Even you."

He took your large, big, extravagant self into his arms. He somehow squeezed you, which you thought was impossible seeing how you had more blubber than a humpback whale.

"And you aren't a waste of time." 

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