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"Jaebum~~" Youngjae whined as he pulled Jaebum's book from his hands.

They were in the library now. Youngjae sitting across Jaebum on the other side of the table. He had been trying to get the latter's attention for quite some time now. First, he approached as a friend, then he dropped obvious hints, flirting with the oblivious boy. Of course, this was all under the advice and instruction of his trusty childhood friend, Bambam. His first meeting with the senior boy shook him, changed him a lot. At first he focused on school a lot, but now all he could think of was to impress the elder.

You could say, love (?) made him blind. He knew well of his place in the school, a 'prince', everyone called him. He knew of his reputation in school and was more than happy to know Jaebum had probably heard good things about him from the girls and boys at their school. He was basically a celebrity, inside and outside of school. In the school compounds, his musical talent, wise decision-making skills, and of course, that handsome face, was known in every corner of the facility. Outside of school, many people knew him as 'Ars', the now 23 year-old child prodigy who debuted with a self-composed single at the age of 16. Anyone would be damned to reject this boy!

Jaebum looked at Youngjae with a irritated expression. He was, in fact, extremely irritated and annoyed. He had to finish the chapter and find out whether the boy was really a spy for opposing end! and perhaps, the mother of the child hadn't passed away! What if!- anyways, he never liked to be interrupted when engrossed in a blockbuster novel.

"Please, return it." Jaebum said almost too softly, making sure the imaginary sack of irritance did not burst right then and there.

"Uhm... wait... can you tell me about this story? What is it about?!" Youngjae stuttered out a lame attempt to start a conversation, to which Jaebum swiftly, unhesitantly replied a "No."

"Pleaaase~ can you tell me? It has too many words in it! If it were a movie I would happily watch it on my own." Something about Youngjae's honey-like voice made Jaebum feel uneasy. Maybe it was the fact that Youngjae was annoying him, or perhaps because it disgusted him so much. Still, his heart could not help but to skip a beat at the thought of Youngjae trying so hard to get his attention.


I mean, of course he knew what Youngjae was hinting at. Anyone who could not tell should be pulled 6 feet under for their idiocy...

"Okay do you have anything to do after this? Want to go to 'Lotte world'?" Youngjae suggested since it was the first thing that came to his mind. It would be the best place for a date for two reasons. First, he had access to all rides as a vip, free of charge, since his father owns the greatest amusement park in the country. Second, it had the best mood and conditions for him to carry out today's plan.

"Act cute." Bambam's words rang in his head...


"Come on... chances like this don't come often! It is Choi Youngjae's amusement park! It's free!!" He joked, motioning to suggest how big the amusement park is.

"No," Jaebum said as he suppressed a smile he didn't know was forming on his lips.

Everyone knew about Jaebum's situation. Or at least, they knew about the rumours...

Rumour has it, that he is an orphan who excelled so much that he was offered a scholarship in the most prestigious college in Seoul! He wasn't rich like the others, but he was a role model for the middle and lower class kids. He was known to be the second prince of the school, perfect in every aspect that did not relate to relationships. Some people believe he would have been more popular than Youngjae if only he were born into a noble family. They thought his origin as the plague that will weigh him down in this life that was run by cruel politics.

He was the only thing Youngjae wanted...

...and Youngjae swore to own him one day.

-x-Sneak Peak 1 (IJB POV)-x-

"So! How's life?" He asked randomly.

"Good, until you came in!" I joked, ruffling up his hair as he snuggles closer to me on the sidewalk.

"You mean it got better right? I know it!" He smiled triumphantly as if he just got a Nobel prize for being the smartest person on earth before we continued walking with linked arms. He cringed onto my right arm and that hand was in my pocket. My other free hand acted on its own, bringing itself to pat his head as I chuckled at the cute boy.

What an annoying person...


... he is mine.

-x-Sneak Peak 2 (??? POV)-x-

My head stirred as I finally felt things. I felt a cold room but a warm presence on my left. I opened my eyes trying to make out what situation I am in. It is simply a human instinct. A fluffy bed, nice elegant decor, a huge tv... This is not my room... A hotel?

No. Hospital...

I felt warmth on my left side and mustered all my energy to lift my body from the pillow, eyes never leaving the body lying on my right with both his hands holding on to mine tightly.

"Excuse me?" I asked softly, but did not get a reply. He must be really tired...

As I looked to the side of my bed, I saw a bouquet of purple hyacinths, and a note. I followed my instincts and reached out to get the note.

"No matter where we are, look up, and it's the same sky. I loved you and always will. Hope you recover soon!



I read in as a warm droplet of tear dripped onto the tiny note.

Why am I crying?


Let me just say that.... this plot is Super big and you won't be disappointed. ;) I have so much planned for this book. SO ADD IT TO YOUR LIBRARY AND STAY UPDATED!!!! Trust me :)


Update (12/8/2018): I took a lot of time off to brush up on my English, read more books and finally finished the plot. I will rewrite some parts of the book but the general idea stays the same. I realised that some of my writing did not match in the earlier and later chapters so I will fix that as well. Thank you for all the read and votes! Please comment a lot too!

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