<16> - GOT7

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Bright light poured into the room, forcing me out of my slumber. I pressed my face into the soft pillow, in denial of the fact that a new day has started. I reached my hand out, feeling the already cold bed for a soft blanket. When I was sure I grasped it, I pulled it over my head, desperate to keep the light out. I am too tired... Why am I so tired? What did I do yesterday?... Just then, the bed dipped in front of me and a comforting warmth that contrasted with the smooth cold blanket and morning air.


Suddenly my ears shot up, listening to the familiar voice. I remember now, what I did yesterday. Jinyoung and I came home in the middle of the night just to find Jaebum waiting in my room. Then I cried... talked to Jaebum... made ramen for him... and we cuddled to sleep. It was the best sleep I've gotten in ages and I'm not gonna say it was all because of Jaebum... I mean, you got to credit my bed, air-conditioner... Fine, it was all because of Jaebum...

"Youngjae-ah" Jaebum called again since I didn't answer. I purposely did not reply or make any movements. Pretending as if I were still asleep.

Jaebum moved to lie down beside me, pulling me gently so that I couldlay on his right side, between his shoulder and chest. The blanket was still over my head so he couldn't see my head crooked in an uncomfortable position. Or maybe he did that on purpose, because I couldn't take it anymore and turned to snuggle into his hold.

"I knew you were awake sweetie," he said, turning and hugging me tighter with both arms. I couldn't help but to do the same and smiled in his chest before he pulled the blanket down to meet my gaze.

I looked at him for a while and everything feels like when I first looked into his eyes for real, in the library. I took my time to appreciate his stunning features again as his fingers brought a strands of hair behind my ears, helping my see the full view. Just then, a question popped up in my head, the same way a virus affected a beautiful bed of flowers. What separated us in the first place?

"Jaebum," I paused, "I won't force you to tell me anything now... but I hope you will tell me what happened and why your Father brought you back to America. Anything regarding you concerns me as well and I want you to know that you are not alone in anything you do. I am always with you. Okay?" I asked, bringing my palm up to hold his cheek and giving him an assuring smile.

He seemed shocked at first hearing these words come from me, but then he smiled too and pulled me into another hug.

"I love your from earth to the moon and back." Jaebum confessed.

"Me too."


Jaebum and Youngjae cuddles for a while more before Youngjae got a call from Bambam, asking if they were still going to meet up. Youngjae looked over at Jaebum and decided that their group needed a reunion, so he replied yes and told Bambam to gather everyone at his cafe if possible.

They both got up soon enough and Dahyun came in to replace used towels just in time to style Youngjae's hair.

"You sure are a princess here..." Jaebum said as he ran some he'll through his hair to keep it up, looking into the shared mirror.

Dahyun was currently using a flat iron on Youngjae's hair which had a clip to separate his hairline.

"Trust me, if you grew up in America you'd probably have someone tie your shoelaces." Youngjae said 'as a matter of fact'-ly and jokingly pushed Jaebum away from him.

Jaebum took no offence from Youngjae's statement know he'd possibly be right, IF he were the only child too, but he isn't.

"Nah, Yoona needs the attention," Jaebum said as he put on a hoodie. "By the way where is Jinyoung?"

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