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This is just a filler chapter!!  :)


Last night I had the worst sleep I've had in forever.

That idiot should feel honoured to be the first one to ever reject me. Ugh...

I stretched in my bed and finally swung my legs to the side, getting up.

Sunday... nothing to do.

I lazily did my daily morning routine. Wash face, brush teeth, change into some casual clothing. Nobody was allowed to wear pajamas around the house unless in their own rooms since father always had business partners come over and we needed to 'keep our image'.

When I got out of the room, I realised the corridor was busier than usual. There were female and male staff shuffling across the room in all directions. I spotted dahyun, holding a clipboard and talking to a maid.

As I walked closer, I heard their conversation.

"Mrs Wang likes red roses, I need you to go to the flower shop and buy 21 roses, understand? Also, get the groceries on the way, okay? Here's the list." She explained, and the Middle aged lady nodded with a smile.

Once the lady left, I approached Dahyun who didn't notice my presence at all and almost left. I creeped up behind her by just as I was about to scare her, she stopped walking.

"Yes? Youngjae?" She turned around with a smirk.

"What's all this?" I played innocent and asked pointing at all the busy people around the room.

"People??" She said, pulling a confused face.

I was absolutely done and unamused and she just laughed at my reaction.

"You didn't know?! Oh wait, you never know anything..."

"Get to the point Hyun," I rolled my eyes.

"Jackson is coming back!"

"Jackson? As in.... JACKSON?!?!"

"YES!!" She explained in excitement.

"NO!!! Why must he come back?!?! We don't have enough rooms.... Nono, he can't...." i spazzed jokingly grabbing at my hair.

"Come on, you know you miss him..." dahyun stayed the truth as she pulled my arms down.

"Don't 'ruin your image' here, you never know which one of these workers are purposely spying on you." She whispered holding out her hands to imitate open and closed inverted comas. She was always there when my Father lecture me on 'keeping my image' so it kind of became a joke in my family. But joking about t reminds me of it, so that's good.

I nodded with a smile before informing her that I was going to Yugyeom's room.

Jackson is a childhood friend of mine. We went to the same elementary school, Jackson, Bambam, Yugyeom, and I.

Jackson's parents actually became business partners because we were close friends. Then his family moved to HongKong to start a business there. They would return at times and stay at my house since... well, what's the point of paying for 2 delux rooms in a hotel when you have family, right?

But everytime he comes... it gets chaotic. My boxers went missing, coco went missing, Yugyeom got food poisoning... he even wakes up extra early just to be able to wake yugyeom and I up 3 hours before school starts... and you know how annoying that is right??? It only takes 15 minutes to drive to school from my house!

Also, I wasn't going to mention this, but I will. He brought a guy home. I didn't know who, but those few days our parents were overseas, he suddenly brought a guy, aka my fking Cousin, over and wow they were loud.... that was why we soundproofed all the rooms. I leave it to you to imagine what they were loud about.

As I opened the door to yugyeom's room, I found him sitting on the bed quietly reading.





I hurriedly rushed to yugyeom's side, pressing the back of my palm on his forehead.

He looked at me, confused.

"Are you okay? You don't have fever do you? I think it's really serious, want to go to a doctor? Call your chauffeur!" I exaggerated as I tackled him to the bed jokingly. I was in a good mood.

It wasn't normal for yugyeom to be reading. You'd often see him in a dance studio or working in our shared music studio... reading? Not a chance. He hates studying and only did what he had to do. Reading? Not a chance.

He broke into laughter pulling my arm to make me sit up beside him.

"Hyung~ I'm okay! Why can't a guy read?"

"No, it's just-"

"I found this really interesting book the other day. It's about life's troubles and I wasn't feeling too well, so I decided to read it, hoping it could help me make decisions better."

"Why? What's up? You should have told me!"

"Well, recently, Bambam asked me what I want to be when I grow up, and told me that I can't be living this life forever since I'm not really blood related to you, and I knew that... I was originally from a poor family that couldn't even afford food to feed me, that's why I was left on the streets. But now, I live the life as a child of one of the richest families in Seoul..." he paused, closing his book and setting it on his beside table. "Bambam said he wants to be an idol. He knows exactly what he wants and works towards his goals. I mean, he's a college student who owns 11 branches of cafes in Seoul... he practices dance and rap so hard and can make good music... even his hobby is wow! Producing new technology... but me?"

"You like dancing, so why not be a Dancer, or a dance coach or something."

"Yeah, I love dancing. But I remember promising my Mother when I was a kid, that I will study hard, be a doctor and save lives-"

"That Mother dumped you on the streets." I reminded him. "You should follow your dreams."

"Yes, but she carried me in her body for 9 months and gave birth to me. And I know how much she went through to save money for hospital fees." He said again.

"That's true..." I nodded and rubbed my Chin between my thumb and index finger.

"Remember when you found me? My mother left a letter for you, hoping someone who would treat me well would take me in. I don't think they had a choice when that happened... I remember my Mother crying as she left me. I wasn't stupid, I knew something bad was going to happen, I ran after her but I fell and scraped my knee, she cried and ran away... I think there is a reason... I want to find them and help them, actually... but then again I really have no say about this. A lot of things are happening now and I feel like I'm lost. But I'm sure it can't get worse! When you are at the bottom, the only way is up!" Yugyeom turned to smile at me.

I also smiled at him. His positive thinking is his greatest strength. He notices when he's falling down and pulls himself back up before it gets worse. One day, I'm sure, one day... that personality of his will carry him and he'll be soaring in the sky.

"How about, I help you find your parents. We have more than enough to help. If they do need help, we can." I watched as his eyes lit up, full of hope and excitement.

I patted his head and the corners of my lips unknowingly rose.

"You've grown up well, yugyeom."


"By the way... I've got good news and 'bad' news." I raised my hands to make inverted commas.


"Good news is we've got visitors."

"Wait... If its bad news..." he emphasised the 'bad' and smiled widely.

"JACKSON!!!!" we both squealed in unision.

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