<17> Owe me one!

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KILL ME NOW PRESENT: YOU IS LYYYFFEEEE!!! have fun reading this laid back chapter :))) i fking love them haha!


"Where is he?" the man asked, tapping his desk impatiently.

Yes, you are right. That man is Jaebum's Father, I'm Jungho. Some people call him king of the underworld, some think he's the lion in a jungle. As mentioned before, mafia is the right way to describe him. He owns many clubs, restaurants, Hospitals in America but only the amongst the people from the dark side spread news of his cruel actions. Most of the time he would result to bribing to get something he wanted, since he had the money to do so anyways. But if the other party rejects his offer, or unexpectedly breaks the deal, that person's gonna see blood.

"He returned to America. I bought him tickets," Yoona said without confidently, sipping her Iced americano on the large couch of her father's office.

Jungho heaved a huge sigh, sitting back into his leather arm-chair, bringing his fingers to his forehead to massage the side of his head. (We shall call him by his name because he does not deserve respect)

"My dear, how many times have I told you, not to interfere with business?" He said in a disappointed tone.

Towards anyone else he would have slapped them and thrown them out of his room, but this was Yoona we're talking about.

"I believe you could have done it another way, Father." She said putting her drink down to reach into her purse. She pulled out some articles, pictures, and walked over to Jungho's desk, lightly placing them on the table.

"This boy, Choi Youngjae. You know him," she paused, looking up to see her father's reaction.

"Yes, Choi's only heir."

"You know, there is a way to make Jaebum come home willingly?" She said pulling a chair to sit in front of Jungho.

"I'm listening."

"I am thinking, that since Choi isn't a rival to our company now and that they have such a incapable child, let's be nice for once and not resort to murder, shall we?"

"This," she pointed at another photo, "I believe Jaebum will never allow his love get hurt....."

Jungho had a moment of realisation before he smirked, pointing a finger at Yoona as he said "You naughty girl." and sat back in his armchair as if he had already gained victory.

"Look who raised me," yoona muttered with a smirk and the raise of an eyebrow.


(back in korea)

Today, everyone gathered at Youngjae's house

"Guys I hate to burst your bubble, but we haven't done any activities as GOT7 for so Long and our baby birds are starving... so, who's up for another album?" Jackson said, jumping in front of the television and catching everyone's attention.

Just then, Yugyeom scrambled up and ran into their rooms.

"I've got songs!" Yugyeom shouted from inside his room and soon he came back with a computer and a speaker.

Mark pulled Jackson over to cuddle, asking him whether he could help him with his song. Bambam started tapping on his phone, probably to searching for his audio clips.

"You've got anything?" Jaebum asked the now brown haired boy beside him.

"I don't just have 'anything'. I have EVERYTHING. Thanks to you I probably felt all the feelings possibly felt in the world. Betrayal, loneliness, heartbreak, disappointment..." he paused to look up at Jaebum, then smiled, "and love."

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