12 <> America

153 17 0


"Jaebum-ah!" Mother knocked on my door. "You shouldn't stay holed up in your room for so long... How about I bring you out?" she asked.

"I'm okay!" I replied and snuggled into my bed, hugging my pillow. It's been 2 months... I haven't seen my friends and youngjae in 2 months... I closed my eyes again. I've given up. The security at my own house is so tight. I wasn't allowed to leave the house unless accompanied by two guards... armed with guns... only place I could be alone is here, in my room, but even my room has a cctv device in the corner of the room. I was being watched 24/7, by some stranger whom I wouldn't know...

Right now I was in America. Back in the Im's Mansion. Why?...

"Hm... You never learn, do you?" Father asked, looking out of the window with a glass of wine in his hand. "And it's a Choi this time..."

"Father, I-" I hurried towards my father, just to get the glass of wine thrown at me.

"BOLD MOVE!" He shouted.

My eyes widened in shock as I watched the blood red liquid spread across the white marbled floor, the shards of glass poking out in irregular shapes, looking deadly. I stopped breathing for a moment, afraid of what would come next. My father had never been fond of relationships between boys. He thought they were a waste of time and 'resources'. And that every man must carry down the family name, in other words, make a family.

I looked back up at the man, now an idiot in my eyes, with detestable horns sticking out of his head, looking like the damned devil he is.

"I lov-"

"You don't know what love is!" He shouted, glaring at me. "Love is to have a wife that can bear your children, living with a family of yours."

There was a silence as I didn't dare to speak. I had a lot to say to him and ask him.

"Are you hap-"

"You will be returning to America with me. You will be the successor of my company. Your sister is pursuing a career fit for her, an actress. Don't hinder her progress. You will come back with me to learn about the company. If you want to do it, good. If you don't, you still will. I don't care how, you are going to set that mindset straight. Don't be a disgrace to our family." He walked to me, careful to avoid the shattered glass. He pointed straight in my face, "Am I clear?"

I decided not to entertain him with an answer, instead turned my head to look elsewhere, rolling my eyes at him.

"Take him out." He ordered, and two men came at me, grabbing my arms, cuffing them behind my back.

"No! I'm not going! Hey! Let me go!" I protested violently. Despite my futile attempts at wriggling out of their grasp and desperate shouting, he turned his back at me, sparing no thought to listen at all.

"Wait! My friends!" I shouted at him. I needed to tell them first.

"You." He growled as the men stopped pulling me so that my 'Father' could speak to me face-to-face, "have no friends."

With a wave of his hand, a wet cloth was placed over my mouth. I tried to breath but I smelt something weird... and everything went black.



"Jaebum...?" I heard her sigh. "At least let me in..."

I groaned and got up, a bit irritated, but it was my mother after all... I unlocked the door and let her in, scanning the scene outside. Two guards stood at the entrance of my room.

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