<19> Comeback :)

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Got7's Showcase is held at their school's auditorium, since their fanbase wasn't extremely big, and many of their fans were from their school, they decided that would be most convenient. It was a saturday and they are currently travelling to the school in rented mini vans. The capacity of their school auditorium is 2,000 and their tickets were all sold out despite being such a young self-made idol group.

Youngjae was cuddled up with Jaebum at the backseat of the car, soundly sleeping. Jaebum was listening to the song they had to perform and Mark and Jinyoung were in the van as well.

"Imagine how noisy the other van is..." Jinyoung said as he pointed out of the window. Mark leaned to his side a bit just to see Yugyeom and Bambam making derp faces at them. Suddenly, Jackson's head popped into the view horizontally from the side.

"A weird bunch, aren't they?" Jaebum said, just imagining the scene since he couldn't move, or he would disturb Youngjae.

Mark chuckled and sat back in his seat. Jinyoung childishly stuck out his tongue at the maknaes before pulling the curtain close.

There was a period of silence before Mark spoke up.

"Is youngjae okay? He looks sick..."

Jaebum nodded in agreement, turning to look at the boy lying on his lap.

"I don't want him to perform... but he's stubborn. I'm afraid he hurts himself..."

"I left my phone at the dance studio last night but I only went back to get it around midnight. He was still practicing... He locked the door so i couldn't go in and he had his earpiece plugged in. I slipped a note in there telling him to go home early... did he?" Jinyoung explained.

Jaebum shrugged sadly, feeling guilty that he didn't pay more attention.

"Why did he practice until so late? He did well for this choreography already!" Mark said, shocked to hear the news.

This time, Jinyoung nodded and shrugged.

Jaebum gently combed through Youngjae's soft locks, removing some hair from his face. He leaned down and gave his head a soft peck, lingering there for a while before whispering "get well soon..."


Youngjae's POV

Jaebum woke me up when we reached the school's back gate.

"Babe, we're here!" He said softly but excitedly. I mustered a smile for him and looked around the van for my black mask which jaebum handed to me as if on cue.

"Come on," he hopped off the van and offered a helping hand. He's really nice... what more can I ask for?

Jaebum held my by the waist with a firm but gentle grip, making sure I stood up straight. Of course, I could stand and walk just fine, but he's a bit overprotective, you see? Not complaining, though!

"JAeBuM OPpA!!!!!" A fangirl shouted as she ran over to us, but a guard stopped her and her group of fans so she just frantically shook her banner in the sky.

"YOuNGJaE-AH!!!!~" Another shouted.

I spotted one of the banners. It said "2JAE RISE" with a picture of Jaebum and I from a old talent show.

I saw their excitement and for the first time I laughed and waved at them. Our baby birds are so cute, I swear!

Jaebum saw me laugh and his face lit up too. He suddenly pecked me on the cheek and the action didn't go unnoticed as roaring cheers resounded from behind us. I pulled out from his grip and turned to wave at the fans who were held outside the building for now.

"See you later!!" I said, loud enough for the people at the front to hear.

The 7 of us entered the building safely and we all gave each other knowing smiles.

We all knew how important Ahgases are to GOT7, they are like our vitamin, our battery. I get motivated to work hard just so that I could show them my progress.

Yes, I should work hard now, rest can wait! It's just an hour of performance, I'll be fine! I told myself. (A/N: No sunshine, don't you dare!)

"OKAY!!!! Chop chop! Spit spot! Go change your clothes and those who haven't gotten your make-up done, move it!" Our self proclaimed manager, also known as Jamie Park shouted and clapped excitedly. She is a really good friend of ours who helped us with all our GOT7 activities. She's practically GOT7's nanny :)



Music, CUE!

The intro of our new song, lullaby, starts playing.

This will be the first time we are performing this song... I cannot mess up...

/This girl is like a dream/
/My wildest fantasy/
/And right when I think I'm gon' wake up/
/She's pullin' me right back in/
/To serenity/

/Girl I can't believe you're so unreal/
/Oh it's just somethin' about the way you move/
/You're like a flower in I bloom/

Jinyoung and Jackson started. My legs and arms felt numb but I was okay. I had to be okay. I mustered a smile and danced, all the hard work must not be wasted.

I looked to the audience from under the spotlight. An ocean of green light, shining brighter than the stars in the sky. I can see everyone and everything from here. Jumping to the beat and raising their lightsticks high up in the air. A view I don't get to see often, but still so powerful.

Yes, I live for this.

In a few seconds, it was my turn. Don't screw up now! I told myself. Somehow, in the next few beats, I move towards the center, and the view was even more beautiful. I immediately forget all my worries. I just have to get this right now.

/Sweet talk to me babe/

/It's magical/

/Sweet lullaby/

As I spun around to get into my next position, I saw Jaebum passing by me to take the center position
/oh its so hypnotising/

/Sweet talk to me babe/

/It's magical/

Just then he turned to face me, pointing at me as he sung the next line.

/I wanna hear you sing it every night/

I laughed at his action and continued dancing, resisting the urge to face palm. I noticed everyone around me dancing and singing their part. The genuine smiles on their faces radiated off a positive vibe and that gave me more strength.

/If I'm dreaming, don't ever wake me up/

/I wanna hear your melody, the only thing I could need/

/'Cause if I had to live without you I'd be lost/

/And in this moment, I want more/

We moved aside for Yugyeom's dance solo and in those few moments, I looked at Jaebum who was on the other end of the stage and smiled at him. I watched his lips intently as he mouthed some words to me...

I? I what? I tried to make out what he was trying to say.

L. O-

I felt a sharp pain in my head and I lost control over my body, letting it fall to the ground.

"Youngjae!" I hear people shout, but I can't see anything. I feel a pair of strong arms holding me and I give up, allowing myself to succumb to the ironically relaxing darkness.


DON'T KILL MEEEHHH. Trust me, it's just the beginning...

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