<6> Okay.

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Youngjae and Yugyeom had spent the entire day talking about the possible stunts Jackson might pull and how to combat them. Mostly, they were recalling the fun memories and laughed a LOT.

Time check: 6:45pm

"It's almost dinner time haha! Time passes so fast... we better get reading to meet the Wangs." Yugyeom said after checking his watch.

Just then, we heard loud and fast footsteps. Like someone is running to us...

He's here??

Before we could react, the door flung open.

"Argh" Yugyeom groaned when Jackson tackled him on the floor.

"You missed me!!!" Jackson screeched as he messed up Yugyeom's hair. He didn't ask a question, he basically stated Yugyeom's thoughts.

"Get-" Yugyeom tried to push Jackson off and stand up but Jackson just hugged him like a koala. "Off!!"

I... really don't know what to say about this... Uhm...

"Is that the first thing you tell a hyung you haven't seen in ages?"

"IT'S ONLY BEEN TWO MONTHS SINCE YOU LAST CAME TO TORTURE US!!" Yugyeom shouted. I immediately covered his mouth and shushed him.

"Jackson... Are your parents here?" I asked as Yugyeom stood up while Jackson still hung on him like a koala.


"Hyung! You gained weight!" Yugyeom commented, struggling to get out of Jackson's hold.

I took the chance to dash out of the room. Since his parents were not here yet, I can still walk around with my casual clothing so I better get myself to a safe place before I end up like Yugyeom.

"I GREW TALLER YOU LITTLE CHILD!" I heard Jackson scream.


I heard a click from Yugyeom's door and ran as fast as my legs could carry me to my room. Why does my room have to be on the other side of the hallway?!!

Just as I pushed open the door, someone else beat me to it and ran in.

Ah... my plan failed...

Jackson plunged into my bed, messing up the bed covers. I glared at him and he just grinned triumphantly.

Somehow, that started a staring contest... which didn't last long. Why? Because we both broke into a fit of laughter.

"Lol! You still can't run fast hahaha!" Jackson chuckled and rolled around on my bed.

"You are just too fast!" I threw my hands in the air, totally giving up.

Yugyeom came and sat on my couch while Jackson and I were on the bed.

"So, I have good news and good news. Which one first?"

Yugyeom rolled his eyes at the comment and I facepalmed.

"Okay!! First! I'll be staying here from now on." Yugyeom and I simply nodded. "and... I'll be going to your school." HEHHHH?! Yugyeom and I immediately faced each other. We were probably thinking of the same thing. If he were to come to school with us... oh my... I already feel the second hand embarrassment I might feel when he pulls some tricks on us.

"Happy?" Jackson snapped me out of my thoughts and I smiled at him.

He really is something.

(time skip)

Oh well, no reason to sulk over it because we really love Jackson hyung anyways. But I'm sulking... SCHOOL!! Ugh... why school, why?

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