Part 9

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(Shawn's POV)

'Hey Shawn'

'Hey Y/n'.

She's here. Maybe this is a coincidence or nah. It's a coincidence.

'What are you doing here this late?'

'I needed some fresh air and I live close.'

Maybe I can walk her home? Just to see that she's safe. Yeah. I'm gonna do that.

'Me too. It's hard to find a place where you can relax or just feel safe.'

She's my place, I think. When I saw her sitting, I just relaxed. I don't know how, but she did that.

'How can you know if you have a place? I mean can you feel that?'

'Well y/n. A place doesn't need to be a place, like a park. It also can be a person.'

'A person?'

'Yeah. Is there a person that can make you feel safe without doing anything?'

'I don't know. Maybe.'

'That is also the key to true love. If your place is a guy you like and the same guy's place is you then it's mostly a long term relationship.'

Her eyes were shining so bright.

'How old are you, Shawn?'

'I'm 23. Why?'

'Well, because you're very smart for your age.'

Aww. She gave me a compliment.

'Thank you.'

'looked quickly at my feet and then back at her.

'No problem. But I better go home now.'

'Wait. I will walk you home.'

Did I just said that? I sound like a desperate teenage boy who has a crush on her.

'You don't have to do that.'

Is she serious? It's dark and you never know who can find on the streets this late.

'Come. It's not safe this late.'

I reached my hand for her to take it. I saw in her eyes that she was considering not to take it, but then I felt her little, cold hand in my big, warm hand. I closed my eyes for a second and let the electricity run through my veins.

What is she doing to me? How can I not fall in love with her? She's just perfect. I know that I just met her. And I know that she's my student. But why am I feeling so happy and safe with her? I hate this feeling. I hate it not to have her. I want her. I need her.

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