Part 68**

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(Y/n's POV)

I woke up by the sound of a guitar strumming. I rolled over to my left side where Shawn normally would lay, but it was just a cold place. My eyes shut open and yes indeed he was gone.

I turned back and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. 'Good morning, sunshine.' I nodded and laid back in comfortable position. Shawn had his favourite guitar in his hands and started to strum again.

'It's morning, Shawn.' He laid his guitar away and hovered above me. 'Aww someone here is very moody.' He played with my hair and pecked my lips. 'I am tired, because someone here made me awake with his guitar and oh last night was pretty exhausted.'

He leaned in and whispered softly against my ear, 'you liked it, wait, you loved it so yeah.' A grin appeared on his face when our eyes met again. 'You know we can do it again. But not so rough.' I shook my head but he still tried to convince me. 'I know you want it.'

He slowly started to kiss my neck, making sure that he marked his property. 'Shawn, baby, please.' He stopped kissing me and looked back up. 'What do you want, my love?' He questioned while biting his lip.

His one hand held my hand above my head while the other was slowly going to my breast, only to make me moan his name. 'You, I only want you.' He nodded and started to kiss me again. The room was filled with my moans while he was humming a song while kissing my bare skin.

'Stop teasing, Shawn.' He shook his head and went down with his kisses.

He slowly pulled down my panties and teased me down there.

My hands found their way to his head just to pull his hair. A groan left his mouth while I was almost screaming his name. 'Fuck Shawn. You're such a tease.'

I felt a knot forming in my stomach, while he was just pumping his fingers in me. 'Sha.Shawn, I'm close.'

He pumped his fingers into me for the last time while sucking my clit, causing me to cum in his mouth. He cleaned me up and looked at me with this killer smile. 'So, you like it?' I pulled him on top me and started to kiss him very passionately. 'Baby.'

He moaned against my lips, making me grin softly. I quickly pushed off me and got on top of him. 'So we're changing positions?' He questioned while smirking.

I kissed him delicious lips and slowly went down to his chest, making sure that I left a mark there. His hands were in my hair, playing with my wavy curls. 'You're so gorgeous, y/n.' He finally arrived at his boxers but got interrupted.

The bell rang and Shawn got out of bed. He quickly putted on some clothes and went downstairs. I quickly grabbed my clothes off the floor and walked to the bathroom just to check where Shawn marked my neck and breasts.

I putted my underwear on and took Shawn's shirt from last night. When I went back to the bedroom, I waited for him. But after twenty minutes he still didn't came. 'What the hell, Eline?'

I heard him yelling, I jumped out of bed and walked downstairs. Eline? What Eline? She's here? I stopped at the beginning of the stairs. She is here. She stood at the door with so much attitude flirting with Shawn. But then she suddenly made a move.

She smashed her lips onto his and all I could do was stare, no words left my mouth. I was completely frozen. He immediately pushed her away making her to walk back. 'What does she have what I don't have? Hm, Shawn. I'm so much better, you should be with me.'

She questioned. 'She has everything, she is the one for me, you get it. You were only a student. Nothing more. So now get out before I call the cops.' But yet again she listened. She just kissed him again.

A high note escaped my mouth and Shawn pushed her away. She looked up to me and winked, and left. Shawn stood there watching me, while I just stared at the door. 'Baby, I.' But I walked away.

I know he didn't do anything but I just wanted to go to bed again. He ran upstairs and followed me to bed. 'I swear babe that I didn't do anything.' I jumped in bed and crawled under the blankets. 'Please talk to me.' I peeked at him and saw some tears on his cheek.

I immediately pulled the blankets off me and wrapped my arms around him. 'I know babe, I saw you pushing her away. It's just that it's so overwhelming.' He closed his eyes and slowly started to kiss my neck again. 'Y/n, can please continue?'

I nodded and pushed him on bed. This morning is going to be a heated, long morning.

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