Part 70

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(Y/n's POV)

This is going to be our first real date. You can say that I'm excited but I'm also nervous. He has a surprise for me, which I actually don't want because he is just a gift for me.

We got in his car and the second we sat he took my hand and caressed my skin. 'Let's go.' I nodded excitedly and turned the radio on.

One Direction started to play and I just had this little fangirl moment. 'OMG! 1D!' A chuckle left his lips and he mumbled something.

'My little fangirl.' I felt the heat coming to my cheeks and looked out of the window. Los Angeles at night is pretty beautiful, but no other city can beat Toronto. Oh wait, London maybe.

A part of me will miss LA, but this other is glad that I'm going away. 'Babe, we will be there in 5 minutes.' I looked over to him and admired him.

His profile is so wonderful and the way his hair lays so perfect makes me fall in love with him even more. But soon his cheeks started to get red.

'Why are you blushing, Mendes?' He shook his head and kept looking at the road. 'Because you're staring.' He parked the car and got out but before I could get out, he opened my door.

'My beautiful girlfriend.' I took his hand and also got out. I looked over at him and saw a gorgeous, big smile. We walked in the restaurant and Shawn just walked over to a waiter.

'Mendes.' The waiter nodded and walked over to me with Shawn behind him. 'Mr. and Mrs. Mendes, follow me.' A little smirk grew on his face and we walked to our table.

There were flowers, everywhere and candles. It was so beautiful. 'Oh my god, Shawn. Wow.' He lead me to my chair and helped me. 'You like it?' He asked while looking around. 'I love it when did you do this?'

He shrugged his shoulder and took my hand in his. 'I called and they wanted to do it. Oh and Mrs. Mendes.' He looked at me in the eyes and this was the first time I saw the spark in his eyes. This spark who only shines when he's with me.

And suddenly it hit me. He is the one, he is the love of my life. The waiter came back with a waitress and placed our plates on table. Her eyes were on Shawn, but Shawn's were on mine.

When she left, he still stared at me. 'Why are you staring at me like that, it's becoming very very creepy.' He looked down for a second and when he looked back up, I saw that he was blushing,

again. 'You are so gorgeous right now. What am I saying? You look always gorgeous. Even when you just woke up, even without makeup. Oh gosh, I'm rambling. This is so embarrassing.' He hid his head in his hands and didn't look at me for two minutes.

'Shawn, baby.' He looked back and now his face was red like a tomato. 'It is okay and why are you so cute?' A smile grew on his face. The rest of the evening went pretty fast to be honest.

We talked and Shawn got sometimes embarrassed by all the things he said.  'So babe, I told you that I have a surprise.' He took a box out of his jacket and laid it in front of me.

'Okay, so there two things in it. Open it.' I took it in my hands and opened it. The first thing I saw was a necklace. I took it in my hands and watched it. Shawn got up and helped me get the necklace on. 'Do you like it?'

He whispered in my ear, softly kissing my earlobe. I nodded and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on my skin. 'The other thing is better.' I opened my eyes and took the other present.

It was a keychain with two keys. 'I thought that it would be good to give to you.' I held the keys for our condo in my hands and wrapped my fingers on it. 'Thank you so much.'

He shoved my chair back and wrapped his arms around me. 'Gosh I love you.' I mumbled against his soft skin. 'I love you too babe, so much, more than I ever loved anyone else.'

I pulled back and pressed our lips together. And then I felt it. The firework was back. Our firework. He closed the gap and pulled me closer to him. This is where I belong. In his arms. Forever.

Mr. MendesWhere stories live. Discover now