Part 22

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(Y/n's POV)

I walked to my locker and saw Shawn walking by. His classroom isn't that far from where I'm standing right now. His eyes met mine and his lips slowly smiled. 6 minutes until I have my first period with him. I closed my locker and saw that the devil was walking to me.

May I present you Madison.

'Y/n! Did you change something about yourself?'


'Oh. I thought that I saw something new but nah you're still that ugly and awful as always.'

She walked further and just continued to be a bitch to everyone who's not 'cool' just like her. 3 minutes. I walked to my classroom and saw that he was sitting on his desk. I opened the door and his head moved immediately.

'Hi Mr.Mendes.'

I walked closer to him and he got off his desk.

'Hi, y/n.'

I took a seat at my desk and he at his.

'I heard what she said, you know. Is she always like that?'

'Sometimes even worse. She actually wants to date you.'

He quickly made an awful face and then started to laugh.

'Haha, she wants me? Well, too bad I'm yours.'

Some girls walked into class and Shawn greeted them. So now we start with our play.

~skip some classes~

Last period. I walked to my last class and saw that it was with Shawn. I opened the door and saw him sitting at my desk.

'Did you know that you're my only student now.'


I took a seat right next to him.

'So what are we going to do.'

He came closer to me and slowly pecked my lips.

'I can go to the office and say that I have to go and then you can go home.'

'Really good idea, but are we going to do that every week?'

He shrugged his head and got up.

'Hey! What you doing Mendes?'

'I am going to the office.'

He walked away and 10 minutes later he came back with a smile.

'Let's go!'

We walked to his car and got in.

'Ugh. Come here.'

He took my face in his hands and smashed his lips onto mine. He started the car and drove away. His hand slowly found his way to mine and just held it.

'How was school?'

'Mmhm, I had this class with a very tall teacher today, he's kinda hot. Oh and I also had math.'

He slowly chuckled and let his cute laugh fill the place.

'So math.'

'Ugh. Don't get me started. Did you know that math isn't the actual word.'

'No way! It's mathematics right?'

'Noo! It's Mental Abuse To Humans.'

He parked his car in front of his garage. We got out and walked to his door.

'Welcome home.'

He opened his door and got in.

Mr. MendesWhere stories live. Discover now