Part 63

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(Y/n's POV)

I walked in and saw Eline walking to Shawn's classroom. She quickly checked if no one was following her so she could sneak in. I went to my locker and took the books I needed, Geography and English which I have from Shawn.

When I was done, I slowly walked to the door of English and saw something I didn't expected. Eline and Shawn. She rested her hand on his chest, but the important thing is he didn't pull away I guess.

He probably wonders why I broke up, or for what. But I actually don't know, last night I realized that I love him too much to let go. But seeing him here with Eline this close, breaks my heart. I'm terrible, I know, but who isn't.

Everyone did something wrong. The bell is going to rang any minute, so I quickly walked to Geography. Just when I arrived there, Shawn walked out. Our eyes met and I could see that he hasn't slept. Some pupils walked past me and suddenly I fell my phone buzzing.

I quickly looked at it and qaw a text from Shawn. "You look beautiful today, I hope you have a nice day. Xxx" A little smile appeared on my face and when I looked back up, he was gone.

I walked in and counted the minutes off until I have English.

~end class~

Everyone walked out and went to their next class. I walked in Shawn's class and saw him sitting at his desk. I shuffled over to my chair and waited until class started. 'Y/n, can u stay after class?'

I looked up and saw him looking at me. 'Yeah.' A little smile appeared on his face and looked back at his papers. Everyone settled in. 'Good morning everyone, today we will learn how to write a perfect essay. I know that you guys have to make one for the university but now you can choose about what you want to write.'

Everyone started and I just looked at my paper. No ideas, not one simple idea. I laid my head on my table and waited until an idea came into my head. Shawn walked past me and crouch in front of my table.

'Are you okay?' I looked up at him and shook my head. 'What's wrong?' I shrugged my shoulders and let out a small sigh. 'I don't have any inspiration.' A little chuckle left his lips and then he got back up. 'Write about Canada, especially Toronto.'

I looked at my paper again and suddenly I had inspiration. After ten minutes, I finally finished it and handed it to Shawn. 'Thank you.' 'Always.' I walked back to my seat and waited until he gave a next task. But that didn't came.

He told us to do whatever we want so I took my phone out just to look at a text he sent me. "It's really good, your essay. How are you?" "I felt a lot better, but now tired and hungry. You?" "Honestly, so so tired. I just wanna go home and sleep a whole day long." "Me too."

The bell rang and everyone walked out except for me. I stayed there waiting until he said something. He got up and walked over to me, slowly but very tiredly.

'It's hard to sleep without, you know.' He quietly said to me. I nodded and took a step to him. 'I miss you, Shawn. But maybe this is better for now.' He shook his head and laid his hand on my cheek.

'I cannot wait until you're graduated. I love you.' He wrapped his arms around me and some tears left my eyes. 'Shh don't cry, baby.' I looked up at him and he just wiped my tears away.

'I have to go.' I stuttered out and ran out of class with saying anything else.

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