Part 56

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(Shawn's POV)

Later that evening, we went back to my place and just laid in my bed watching some movies. She crawled in bed with all the blankets she could find and made a cup of tea for us. I took care for the snacks, I walked in the room and saw her pulling her clothes off.

I carefully laid everything on my bed and slowly pressed a kiss in her neck. She scared and sprang a little bit. 'Omg, Shawn.' She turned around and looked at me. Her beautiful green eyes were locked on mine. I laid my hands on her waist and pulled her closer to me. Our faces were inches from each other. I closed my eyes and let the feeling of excitement rush through my body.

I leaned in and felt her lips on mine. Her delicious, pink pump lips. It's just like our first kiss, firework. I removed one hand from her waist and laid it on her cheek to deepen the kiss.
She closed the gap and kissed me passionately. No matter what I do, I always will love her. I know that we're just together but honestly I don't give a fuck about it.

I love her, she loves me. I pressed her body against mine and let her hands find their way to my hair. My one hand from her waist slide down to her cute ass and gave it a squeeze. A whisper left her mouth and that was my opportunity to slide my tongue in. She quickly pulled back for air. I tightened my grip on her and held her close to me.

'Gosh babe. I love you so much.' She let her head fall down on my chest and we just stood there in front of my big window. Looking to the view outside.
'I'm so scared, Shawn. What if she really does it? I don't want to lose you. Not as my boyfriend and not as my teacher.' I felt her tears on my shirt.

I took her chin between my fingers and lifted it up. Tears were streaming down her gorgeous face. 'Hey babe, you're not gonna lose me. But if I have to quit my job, so I can be with you then hell yes. You're my everything and nothing can break us.'

I wiped all the tears away and let her calm down. She pulled away and got into bed. I laid next to her and wrapped my arms around her. She choose a movie. I actually don't know because I was just admiring her. I looked at every single detail of her and just thought about her. How can someone be so beautiful?

No one can ever be so gorgeous? She looked up at me and placed a kiss on my cheek. 'I can ask the same, Shawn.' She chuckled and looked back to the tv. Did she just? Did she read my mind? 'And no, Shawn. I did not read your mind. You spoke out loud.'

My face turned red and I slowly sank down in the sheets. She paused the movie and rolled on top of me. 'Aaah, are you embarrassed.' I slowly nodded and covered my face. She took the blanket off my face and kissed my nose. I lifted my head up so she kissed my lips.

A smile grew on both of our faces and she slowly started to kiss me. I slowly pulled the blanket over us and let my hand slip under her shirt to her bra. The rest of the night, we just made fun, ate some snacks, watched another movie and love each other.

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