Part 51

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(Shawn's POV)

Y/n laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. Maybe she's afraid of flying or maybe not. I placed my head on hers and I breathed in. She's so cute. I love her. The flight is about 8 hours so we will land around 2 am. She suddenly moved her head, so mine falls on her shoulder.

'Oh god, I'm so sorry.'

She took my head in her hands and placed little kisses on my lips, cheek and nose.

'It's okay but I can get used to this.'

A smirk grew on her face. She smashed her lips on mine and kissed me passionately.

'I love you, Shawn.'

I placed my lips on hers again and smiled. She knows I love her. She knows how much she means to me. We started a movie and laid back in our chair. With her legs on mine and her head against my chest. The movie started and y/n wrapped her arms around my torso. We stayed like this until she suddenly fell asleep and that was around 10pm.  I quickly took a picture of her so I have a cute one. I watched another movie until I felt my eyes getting heavier. A stewardess walked past and I asked her to come.

'Can I please have a blanket?'

'A big one.'

She quickly looked at y/n and I nodded. She went immediately to grab a blanket. She quickly came back and gave it to me.

'You guys are very cute.'

'Thank you.'

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~4 hours later~

I felt something hitting my arm. I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I felt lips on my cheeks and I immediately got up.

'Baby, we are almost landing.'

The blanket was all over me and y/n slowly stroked my hair. I nodded and sat straight.

'How long are you up?'

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

'Uhm. One hour.'

The pilot announced that we have to put our seatbelts on because we're landing. I'm gonna take her to my old condo. I still have one because I still go on vacation to Toronto. Twenty minutes later, we could get off the plane. Y/n held my hand the whole time and admired Toronto at night. It's been two years since she's been here.  I walked past Starbucks to the exit and waited until a taxi stopped for us. I gave him my address and y/n just stared through the window. She's just adorable. Woow.

It wasn't a long ride, so we were there very quickly. I took y/n's hand and walked with her in the building.

'You never told me that you had a condo here.'

She slowly caressed my hand with her thumb while walking hand in hand with me.

'I know, I don't know why.'

A lovely laugh filled the space and my heary skipped a beat. I literally felt it. We stepped in the elevator and I pushed the button for the 6th level.

'Wait. You live on the highest floor?'

'Yeah, my mom is an estate agent and she told me that this was a place for me, so I checked it and I immediately fell in love with it.'

The elevator stopped and we got out.

'So why did you leave Toronto?'

We reached my door and I opened it. You can see the CN Tower immediately if you open my door. That was and still is the best thing here. Y/n immediately went to my big ass window and admired the view. I carefully walked to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

'Do you like it?'

She shook her head and answered.

'No, I love it.'

She slowly turned around in my grip and laid her head on my chest. An idea suddenly popped up in my head and my heart started to beat faster.

'Maybe we can live here, you know. You love it, so why not.'

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