Part 26

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(Y/n's POV)

Last night was amazing. We didn't have you know what, but we did something. I'm still speechless, you know. The way he kissed my body and the way he just kissed me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that he was still sleeping. His hair is messy and his big, swollen pump lips. I slowly turned around in his grip so I can look at him. He's so gorgeous when he sleeps. My finger traced the way from his scar to his chin and then to his chest. My other hand was laying in his hair, just stroking the fallen curls away. His eyes slowly fluttered open and a big smile appeared on his adorable face.

'Good morning babe.'

He said while kissing me. His big arms tightened the grip on me and pulled me closer.

'Good morning.'

He slowly leaned in and presses his lips onto mine. I tried to pull back but he didn't let me.

'Let's repeat last night.'

He hovered over me and started kissing every inch of my body.

~ two hours later ~

I walked to the kitchen in Shawn's shirt and made some breakfast for us. Shawn is showering. I did quickly the dishes of yesterday and then made some pancakes. When I was done with the last one, I heard Shawn walking to me.

'Hi babee. Mmm pancakes.'

He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a peck on my cheek.

'Let me go, Shawn. I'm hungry.'

He listened to me and walked to the table. We ate our food and just talked about random stuff. When we were done, Shawn did the dishes and I took a shower. I'm still afraid though. What if someone sees us or what if my parents ask me about Shawn. I don't want him to lose his job just for me. I get it that I still have three more months to go but what if Shawn decides to stay here and he wants me here too. What if he doesn't love me after I graduate. I got out of the shower and dried myself. Shawn laid my clothes of yesterday here so I don't need to walk a lot. After putting them on, I went downstairs and saw that Shawn was busy on his phone. A smile appeared on his face and soon he looked up.


'Hey come here.'

I walked towards him and saw a younger girl on his screen.

'Y/n, this is my sister. Aaliyah, this is y/n.'

'Hi Aaliyah.'

'Hi y/n. So you guys are together?'

Shawn nodded and a killer smile appeared on Aaliyah's face.


I bursted out laughing and Shawn too.

'Yeah, wait! Is that so weird?'

'Duhh. Wait, y/n. Did you know that Shawn has this weird addiction to muffins?'


'Well, before he went to college he said that if he didn't find a girl he would just buy the best muffin and marry it in Las Vegas.'

I looked at Shawn and saw that he was red just like a tomato.

'Really? Aaliyah.'

Shawn looked me in the eyes and I just started laughing.

'Oh my god, Shawn.' 

We talked for a while until Aaliyah had to go to her hockey practice.


Thank you so much for the 4k reads. I'm so thankful for it and I hope you love the story.

Insta: @simpleshawnm
Snap: sarahneymar1011


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