Part 44

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(Shawn's POV)

I'm so happy that she can leave now. Being in a hospital for a long time is not quite amazing. She was in the bathroom, putting on her clothes and I got her a surprise. I bought a big teddy bear for her with a big heart. I hope she loves it though. I placed him on her bed and waited until she came. Her door went open and she slowly shuffled in. Her expression on her face was amazing. She ran over to me and sprung in my arms.

'Oh my god! Thank you so much, Shawn. I always wanted a big teddy bear.'

She kissed me multiple times until she decided to hug her bear.

'Come, we're going.'

She took my hand and we walked together to the counter.

'I'm here to take y/n home. The doctors said that I should sign something.'

'Yes, that's true.'

They give me papers and let me sign it. Y/n was talking to her dad. He works here, I don't know if he's a doctor. I was done signing and walked over to them.

'Take care of my daughter, Shawn.'

'I will.'

We walked to my car. She putted her teddy bear behind her. She got in and took my hand.

'Let's go.'

I started the car and drove to my house. The ride was for about twenty minutes so we listened to the radio. Ed Sheeran played and after him One Direction.


'Yes honey.'

'Why don't you wanna be in the music industry?'

'I used to, but some people said that I should stop dreaming and face the reality.'

She caressed my hand and brought it to her lips. She slowly kissed my knuckles.

'Well, they are stupid. If that's your dream just do it.'

I laid my hand on her thigh and concentrated on the road. We reached my house and I stopped the car. I opened the door and got to her side. I wanted to be a gentleman but she opened the door and winked at me.

'You have to be quicker, Mendes.'

I grasped her in my arms and held her close to me.

'Oh baby. We will have so much fun.'

I pecked her lips and opened my front door. She walked in with her teddy bear.

'Welcome home.'

'It definitely feels like home.'

I closed the door and walked over to her. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck.

'Why are you so gorgeous, y/n?'

'I'm not. You are.'

She pressed our lips together and started to kiss me. I slowly bit on her bottom lip, she slowly and raspy moan my name. And that was my opportunity to make out with her. I wrapped my arms tighter around her waist and enjoyed this moment. She pulled back and laid her head on my chest.

'Y/n, honey. Never say that you're not gorgeous, because everyone knows you are. They may not say it but you are. And i love you.'

She looked up at me and her cheeks were red.

'You're too cute for this world.'

The rest of the day we tried, well I tried to cook until she helped me.

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