Part 94

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(Shawn's POV)

The loud city woke me up but I was still in a good mood. Today is the day, today is my day. I sneaked out of bed and made my way to the large window. Businessmen and women rushed over the streets, making sure that they are on time for their meeting.

Tourists walked hand in hand towards the Eiffel Tower. And young people who had late parties or one night stands almost fall asleep while trying to find their way home and then I'm here. Staring at these people, waiting for my sunshine to wake up and to continue our adventure.

It was raining a little bit, spreading this amazing rain scent into the air. I turned around and walked to this very expensive coffee machine. Everything was in French so I basically just pressed a button and suddenly I had two cups of coffee.

Two small hands were wrapped around my torso, sliding up to my chest with a face pressed against my back. 'Thank you for the coffee,' she whispered while placing a kiss on my large birthmark. 'Good morning, sunshine,' I whispered back placing my hands on her, turning me around so she's in my arms.

'How long are you up,' she questioned while stroking my cheeks. 'Not so long, here.,' I gave her her coffee and got thanked by her gorgeous, cute smile. After the coffee, we got dressed and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Typical French breakfast.

The sun was full on shining right now, causing y/n to wear a beautiful dress that compliments every single detail of her amazing body. New sunglasses from Berlin were perfectly placed on her face knowing that the sun could shine bright any time.

I took her hand and gently pulled her closer to me, making sure that she's by my side. 'Are we going to the Eiffel Tower tonight?' she interrupted my thoughts but still, she was so adorable, I nodded and walked into this small place with her behind me.

I smell croissants everywhere mixed with fresh coffee. Y/n took a seat at the table while I ordered our food. Since we've been here her smile didn't fade away. You would feel her smiling from miles away. The man behind the counter gave our food and I walked to her. Gosh, that smile is killing me.

'Hello again,' she whispered while standing up so she could give me a kiss. 'Someone has a good day,' I mentioned while sitting down. 'What can I say, we're in the city of love,' she winked at me and started to eat. 'Oh before I forget, what do you wanna eat tonight?'

she asked while biting from her croissant. 'We are going a very very very romantic date tonight but you can choose where we eat.' Little sparks appeared in her eyes sending my butterflies in my stomach a signal so they could go crazy. 'Hmm, I was thinking about KFC or McDonald's.'

I rolled my eyes to her and grabbed her free hand. 'Seriously, no fancy restaurant?' She shook her head but still with a smile on her face. 'Our first real food date was at KFC.' I nodded and ate further. 'You don't wanna go there,' I heard her saying. 'Shawn?'

she mumbled again. 'Okay, I wanna go to a fancy restaurant,' I gave in watching how she would react. 'Well if you want that then we will go.' She nodded and got up.

She took my hand and pulled me up. We went outside and just walked back to our hotel.
A couple of hours until the big surprise is coming. I cannot wait any more, but I have to.

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