Part 78

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(Shawn's POV)

The movie started and y/n laid her head on my shoulder, holding onto my arm. I quickly looked over at her and saw a little smirk on her lips. 'Why are you smirking?' She shrugged her shoulders and shoved her hand under my shirt. Stroking my abs.

I know what she is planning to do. She's playing a dirty game though. I took her hand and slide lower until she reached my belt. A surprised look appeared on her face but turned into a big smirk.

'Oh baby, It's better if you just stop because I'm uncontrollable.' She pulled her hand back and left a kiss on my cheek.
The movie wasn't that good because, she soon fell asleep in my arms.

Her hair was all over her face and she just looked like a little, cute baby. The way her arms are wrapped around my body and how her head lays on my shoulder is so cute. She crawled up to me and tightened her grip on me.

I closed my eyes and just waited until our plane was in Toronto. Everything went dark and suddenly I felt everything shaking. People were screaming and in the back of all that noise I heard her talking. 'Shawn, baby. Where are you? Are you okay? Come. Wake up.'

The shaking part started again and now her voice was harder. 'Shawn!' She ran to me but when she reached me my eyes finally opened. I looked at my left and saw her sitting next to me, comforting me.

'It was just a dream, Shawn. We landed.' I looked around and saw everyone leaving. She got up, but I grasped her in my arms. 'Thank you.' We got up and left. So I had a nightmare, that's weird.

We took our suitcases and walked to the entrance just to see my parents and sister there. 'Aaah y/n!' Aaliyah ran to her and sprang in her arms. 'Heey Aali.' They hugged each other and when she saw me it was just, 'hi'.

My mom wrapped her arms around me and my dad just punched me. 'Hey dude!' After our greetings, we got in the car and drove to my place. Y/n was busy with Aaliyah and my mom.
My dad had this smile on his fave whenever he looked at the girls in the back.

I'm happy that he loves them especially y/n. When we arrived at my place, I wrapped my arms around her neck and placed a kiss on her forehead. 'Ready, babe?' She nodded every excitedly and pecked my lips. 'I'm ready.' I took her hand and went upstairs.

I felt her grip getting tighter and when we arrived at the door, she had a concentrated look on her face. 'Hey babe, what's wrong?' She shook her head and hid her face in the crook of my neck. 'I am a little bit afraid. Starting a new life.'

'Hey me too, darling. But it will work.' I opened the door and let her walk in first. Aaliyah and my parents left so we could do this alone. 'How do you feel now?'

She turned around and smiled, 'amazing actually, all the pressure of my parents are gone and now I finally feel free.' I slowly walked up to her and let her be free. 'I love you.'

She whispered when our lips touched. 'Hmm.' I pressed her closer to me and rested my hands on her hips. She pulled back and walked to the balcony. I let her be alone for a few minutes.

This is going to be weird for her, not living with her parents. She has to get used to Toronto, too. I walked to her and watched her admiring the view. We finally can start our life here.

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