Part 83

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(Shawn's POV)

Gosh, I am so stupid! I shouldn't have brought her to my treehouse or I shouldn't have climbed up. Now she's in the hospital because of me. I ran into the ER with y/n in my arms.

Some nurses came straight to me and laid her on a bed. 'What happened, sir?' A nurse said while checking her lungs. 'She fell down the stairs of a treehouse.' 'How high?' 'Hm, one meter and a half I think.'

She nodded and kept checking my baby. Some groans left her mouth while the nurses started to touch her back and her stomach.

'Sir, I will get a doctor and he will decide what to do.' I nodded and slowly grabbed y/n's hand. 'I am so sorry babe, gosh this is my fault.' She shook her head with a lot of pain and squeezed my hand. 'No, it's okay Shawn. I kinda like hospitals.'

She chuckle while closing her eyes. A doctor came by and examined her again. He slowly turned her on her stomach and looked if there was something with her back. 'Julia, can u settle the scan for now?' A nurse, Julia I think, nodded and called to someone. 'Yes, it's free.'

They rolled her bed to the door and disappeared except the doctor. He walked closer to me and started to explain why he had to do a scan. 'I think there is a little crack in one of her vertebrae so it's better to do a scan. I also think that she is still, well her body is still in shock from the fall and that's why she has a lot of pain.'

I nodded and kept listening.
'It's better if you stay here and I will get you if I have the results.' I thanked him and walked outside for some fresh air. I really hope that there isn't anything wrong with her. That would kill me.

I took my phone out and called her parents just to let them know that she's okay. Ten minutes later, I saw the doctor running towards me with a smile. She's fine, my baby is fine. 'Everything is alright with y/n, she has a little crack but it's okay. She's in room 012.' I thanked him and walked, actually I ran to her room. Some nurses came out of it and told me what I have to do when we get home.

'Make sure that she sleeps on something soft but mainly she has to rest,' i took note of everything and also thanked them. When I opened the door, a small but vulnerable voice spoke. 'Shawn?' I closed the door and walked to her bed.

'Hey honey, how are you feeling?' I took her hand and placed little kisses on it while she was just chuckling. 'I'm okay but my back hurts. I can leave tomorrow morning.' I nodded and took a seat on her bed.

'I am so sorry babe. This is all my fault.' She intertwined our fingers and gave my hand a little squeeze. 'Stop blaming yourself, I'm a strong woman I can handle this,' she said while keeping her eyes focused on me. The rest of the evening, we just watched some TV until I noticed that she fell asleep.

I asked a nurse for a blanket and crawled under it on the couch next to her bed. I hope that I see a beautiful smile in the morning. I will make sure from now on that no one will hurt her.

It's my duty as boyfriend to keep her away from danger and make sure that she's safe. Nothing can stop me from doing this.

Not even Charlotte. Y/n is my first priority so if someone hurts her, I will make sure that person also will get hurt.


I really hope you're enjoying this story. I don't know when or how long I should keep it.

Comment what do you think and some feedback ❤️

I love you so much

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