Part 64

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(Shawn's POV)

She ran away and all I could do was standing there, trying to fight against to my tears. Why does this have to happen with me? I couldn't take it anymore, fighting against my tears. I took a seat on her chair and broke down in tears.

No way that i'm gonna survive this. I laid my head on my arms and let the tears flow down my cheeks. I closed my eyes and started to calm down, until I heard someone come in.

I quickly peeked and saw y/n walking towards the blinds and closing them. 'Please, Shawn. Don't cry.' She walked over to me and took my head in her hands. Her one hand was in my hair and played a little with my curls and the other hand stroke my cheek.

'Why aren't you in class?' She shook her head and we just stayed like this. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her on my lap. Her eyes were locked on mine and this familiar feeling rushed over into my body.

I laid my hand on her cheek and started to lean in. I closed my eyes and felt her lips onto mine. She slowly brushed her lips against mine and kissed me without hesitation. I closed the gap and pulled her closer to me. 'I fucking love you so much.' I whispered against her lips, only to be answered with a smile.

She pulled away and rested her forehead against mine. 'Lunch is almost going to start. I better leave then.' She got up, but I took her in my arms again. I quickly pecked her lips and then left a very very very very wet kiss in her neck.

'Oh my gosh, Shawn.' I let her go and she walked to the door. She opened it and quickly said something. 'Come tonight.' I nodded and walked over to my desk.

~end school~

The last bell rang and everyone grabbed their stuff and shuffled out. Today has been a long day. I packed my bag and walked to my car. I saw this little pink note laying between my wipers. I took it out and read it.

"Hi, can u pick me up?" A smile appeared on my face and my heart started to beat faster. I took my phone out and sent a text message to y/n. "Where are u?"

I immediately got a text back. "At the small coffee shop next to school." I quickly got in my car and drove to her. And there she was, standing there all alone.

A little smile appeared on her face when she saw me. I opened the door from the inside and let her get in. 'My mom would normally pick me up, but then I said that you were coming over so she thought it was a better idea.'

I took her hand and caressed her skin. 'Thank you, Shawn.' She intertwined our fingers. 'No problem, darling.' I know that we broke up but I still call her my darling. She is.

I parked the car in front of her door and got out to open her door. She thanked me and walked to the door. 'Mom, dad, Shawn is here.' She yelled with so much power. She took my hand and dragged me upstairs. 'What are you.'

She closed the door and closed it. 'We need to talk.' I nodded and took a seat next to her on her bed. She took my hands in hers and kissed my knuckles. 'So uhm, yeah, I wanna know if you still want to be with me?'

I looked at her with a surprising look. 'You want?' 'Ofcourse I want baby, I always wanted. But how are we going to do it?' She smashed her lips onto mine and intertwined our fingers again. 'I missed this.'

She murmured softly against my lips and pecked them again. 'Y/n, Shawn! Dinner is ready.' We got up and went downstairs.

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