Part 73

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(Shawn's POV)

I finally was asleep until I felt that she wasn't by my side anymore. I fluttered my eyes open and confirmed it. I got out of bed and went downstairs. When I saw her there in the kitchen, I let a groan leave my lips because I wanted to sleep with her next to me.

But no, lady here wants to bake something. She turned around and that was the moment when I saw them. A plate with perfect fresh baked muffins. I rushed over to them and took three.

I quickly pecked my baby's lips as a thank you for the muffins and took a seat while eating my precious muffins.
We're leaving in four days, so we better get started to pack all our clothes in.

I have to say that this is the first time that I will live together with my girlfriend. I was never ready when I was with my ex, but with y/n. Gosh since I laid my eyes on her, I wanted her to live with me.

While she baked the pancakes, I started to tell her things about Toronto. Where is the best shop or where it's better to get some new furniture. I noticed the whole time that there was a smile on her face when I started to talk about it.

Which made me melt to be honest because I'm so happy that she's happy. I know that this sounds cliche but it is true. When I finished my last muffin, I got up and helped her.

But the only thing I could do was stare at those beautiful muffins who were waiting for someone to eat them.
Y/n turned to me and caught me staring. 'You know, if you are going to eat them all then you will get sick and stay home all day.'

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around her. 'I am Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. It's my specialty to eat a plate of muffins without getting sick.'

She leaned in but before our lips were pressed on each other I quickly said something. 'Only if I can have a muffin.' A sweet, little chuckle left her lips and then she pressed our lips together. 'I want also one.'

She mumbled against my skin. I quickly pulled back and grasped the plate with muffins. 'There are only for me, but if you give me another kiss you maybe get one.' She walked towards me and smashed her lips onto mine.

Okay. She gets one. I laid the plate on table and wrapped my arms back around her. 'Screw the muffins,' I whispered to her, while kissing her. She nodded and pressed her body against mine.

I locked her in my arms and held her close. She can't go away now. I won't let her. 'Shawn, baby. Please I am hungry.' I let go but that was the biggest mistake ever.

She ran away with MY plate. 'Babe,' I yelled while walking to her pancakes, 'if you want my muffins then I want your pancakes.' She rushed to me and gave my plate back.

'Here I have something better than muffins.' She took her pancakes and started to eat them. Two hours later, I was almost done with my suitcase and laid on bed watching y/n packing her stuff in. 'Stop staring, Shawn.'

She got in bed and cuddled up to me. I held her in my arms and softly started to sing a song. It was just a random song that came in my head but gladly she enjoyed it because in no time she drifted off to sleep in my arms.

Which means that I also can sleep a little bit. But I just couldn't, the way her hair laid on her shoulder or the way her cheek is pressed up against my chest made me stare at her the whole time. It's really getting unhealthy her beauty but who am I to blame?

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