Part 54

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(Y/n's POV)

We arrived at his parents. He took my hand and looked at me with a smile. 'They love you, so don't be nervous babe.' He quickly pecked my lips and went out to open my door. I took his hand and walked to the porch.

A tall girl rushed over to us and jumped in Shawn's arms. 'I missed you so much, Shawn.' He pecked her head and hugged her. 'I missed you too, Aaliyah.' She looked at me and a big smile appeared on her face.

'Hello, y/n.' She wrapped her arms around me and I just hugged her back. She pulled me away from Shawn and lead me to the kitchen, where her parents where busy preparing our visit. 'Mom, y/n is here.' She turned around to us and walked our way.

Suddenly I felt the familiar touch of Shawn, I looked behind me and saw that his hand was on my lower back. He pecked my head and slowly pushed me to his mom. 'It's great to see you, y/n.' 'It's great to see you too.' She gave me a hug and then Shawn's dad, Manuel greeted me and gave me a hug.

We took a seat in the living room and just talked. Shawn sometimes just looked at me with a big smile and caressed my hand. His parents are so nice, Shawn was right. Why did I felt nervous? Aaliyah pulled me with her to her room and showed me all her ice hockey trophies. 'How's it? Dating your teacher.' We were now currently sitting on her bed. 'It's still weird, but after school it's just normal. But it's hard though.'

She took my hand and looked at me in the eyes. 'Y/n, please don't break my brothers heart. He's the best ever and I don't want him to be sad.' I promised her that I will never break his heart. Minutes later Shawn walked in and mentioned me to go with him.

We walked into a room, probably his room. He grabbed my waist and carefully pushed me against a wall. 'Oh baby.' He smashed his lips onto mine and passionately kissed me. Just like the first time, I felt fireworks exploding, my heart that literally beats out of my body and butterflies in my stomach.

He slowly pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. 'I told you that they love you.' A smile grew on his face and he pulled me closer to his body. 'Especially Aaliyah, you're my first girlfriend who she really likes.' I laid my lips onto his and looked him in the eyes. No other person in this world can make me feel so happy. No one.

I slowly started to kiss his lips, he first didn't kissed back and at a point he did. My hands went to his curls in the back of his head. 'I love you so much.' He whispered against my lips. He deepened the kiss and pushed me back against the wall. His tongue fought with mine and his hands were in my hair. We pulled back for air. 'I love you too, Shawn.'

He pulled me in a hug and then Aaliyah walked in. 'Lunch is ready.' We nodded and walked downstairs. My phone started buzzing a lot. I checked it and saw that I had a lot of texts. But one caught my eye, Eline. "So you're in Toronto? Not sick anymore?"

I showed Shawn the text and his eyes grew big. But then another text came. "If I can't have Shawn, then no one can. So say bye bye to your boyfriend y/n. When you're back in school or even next week, I will tell the principal about your relationship with Shawn." Shawn saw the shocked look on my face.

'What's wrong babe?' I shook my head and slowly made my way back to his room.

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