Part 39

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(Y/n's POV)

I went home and locked myself in my room. I don't want to cry, but I also want to. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. All I feel is sadness and madness. Why can't people keep a secret or why do they have to make those rules about dating?
I didn't say hello to my parents, I just went straight to my bed.

Tears were stinging in my eyes. I have to be strong, noone can hurt you. Noone can break you, you're a strong independent woman so you don't have to listen. The tears went away and I slowly closed my eyes. Thinking about everything. What are my parents going to say when they find out that Shawn's my teacher? I'm gonna be dead. Definitely.
My phone buzzed but I just ignored it. It kept buzzing, so at some point I had to look who it was. Shawn. He sent me thousand texts.

"Hi babe"
"are u ignoring me"
"are you mad"
"please talk to me"
"oh maybe you're sleeping"
"yeah sleep good"
"i miss u"
"i love u"
"dont let her bring us down"
"youre the best"
"dream about me"

I unlocked my phone and texted something back.

"Sorry my phone was on silent"

I immediately got a response.

"Oh okay"
"hey i love u too"
"r u okay"
"a lil bit"
"tell me"

i called him and heard his breathing pattern.

'What's wrong babe?'

'What if my parents find out?'

'Maybe you have to say it, my parents know.'

'It's actually not the same, Shawn.'

'I know, but give it a try.'


He hung up and I went downstairs. My parents were busy making dinner, but stopped when they saw me.

'Mom, uhm dad. I have to tell you guys something but please don't get mad.'

My moms look on her face changed really quickly.






My dad just started laughing and almost chocked while laughing.

'Darling, you..-'

'Why did you thought I was pregnant?'

'I don't know. It was the first thing. But what do you have to say?'

'Uhm, take a seat.'

My parents quickly looked at each other before sitting down.

'I haven't been very honest with you.'

My dad looked at me and took my hand.

'What are you talking about?'

'I...Shawn is not only my boyfriend.'

'Mom, dad. He's also one of my teachers. But please don't get mad. Please. We really love each other and I have three months until I graduate so please don't get mad. And dad, don't attack him or someone like that. He's so amazing, he's literally the perfect man for me.'

My moms mouth felt open and suddenly she stood up, without saying something she left the room. It was now only my dad and I. He looked at me and his caring, wonderful look on his face was still on his face.

'Oh y/n, darling. I already know.'

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