Part 92

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(Shawn's POV)

Amsterdam. We've visited Ireland, England, Belgium, Germany and now The Netherlands. Our last stop before my big plan. It wasn't a very sunny day, but we still had so much fun. Around 10 pm, we got out of bed because y/n didn't want to get up but after a lot of cuddles and kisses I changed her mind.

We didn't went out for breakfast, y/n was still grumpy. 'Come on, babe. Let's go eat something.' I said while pulling her in my arms. 'Nooo, order room service,' she pouted while trying to crawl under the duvets again. I gave in and ordered it while she cuddled up to me. 'Can we go to the Anne Frank-museum and just walk around,' she asked randomly causing my stomach to flutter at her cuteness. 'Anything you want babe, but it's gonna rain all day,' someone knocked on the door and I ran to the door.

A young waiter walked in with our food. 'Mr. and Mrs. Mendes, good morning.,' he spoke while presenting the plates. 'Goeiemorgen.' Y/n finally got out of bed and greeted the young man. A blush appeared on his face, he was flattered about her Dutch. 'Gaat het vandaag nog veel regenen?,' asked she surprised with my reaction.

'Ja, heel de dag.' A smile appeared on her face and he just smiled and blushed. He finally went away and I breath out, not knowing that I held it in. 'It is going to rain all day, Shawn.' She mumbled while stroking my cheek and slowly leaning in.

Okay, I was first a little bit jealous but she's too cute and adorable to ignore. I closed the gap and pulled her into a big hug. She escaped from my grip and ran to the food. 'OMG PANCAKES WITH NUTELLA.' She yelled while propping it in her mouth.

I leaned against the doorframe and just admired her flawless body. Y'all are wondering what I'm gonna do right. Well, in two days we're in Paris, city of love and I decided that it's time. She stole my heart and I'm shook that she's still with me. I told her everything what happened in my miserable life but she just ignored that.

'Hey, are you going to eat or do I have to eat it all?,' she asked with her mouth covered in Nutella. 'Yep,' I ran to her and carried her away. 'First let me clean that beautiful mouth of you,' I mumbled against her cheek while licking the Nutella off. Adorable and hushed laughs were the only thing you could hear in this wealthy, simple room.

I shuffled back to the pancakes and ate them. Around 3 pm, we went to the city and shopped. The museum was closed, so we just skipped that. 'Babe, we have to pack when we get back,' I said while sneaking into her change cabin, 'why?' She asked while pulling her sweater off, 'I'm gonna drive us to our next stop,'.

She agreed and just changed into some other clothes that aren't wet. No matter what she will do, she always will have my heart.

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