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I was sitting on the couch reading my book when someone came to my door.

"Laila get the door please", my mother said from the kitchen.

I got up and looked through the peep-hole.

"Delivery for mystery", the man smiled.

I opened the door and saw a man holding two boxes.

"Sign here please", he said.

I signed the board and he smiled as he turned away.

"Thank you", I said as he walked off.

I shut the door and set the boxes on my table. I opened one and it was a beautiful black dress. In just the right size. Then I opened the other. It was red roses with a little white note.

"Tonight I want to take you out. Wear this dress and look very presentable. I'll be by around 8" -mystery man

I looked up and jumped around screaming. My mom came in and saw my gifts.

"Laila what's going on", she asked.

"Well it seems as I'm going on a date tonight", I smiled.

"Sweetie are you sure. We aren't from here you never know what crazy person this is", she said sitting down.

"Mom it's ok I think I know this guy from somewhere", I said.

"Alright hunny if you think you got this. Your father and I will be up until you get home", she smiled.

I quickly hopped in the shower noticing that it was already six thirty. I got out and straightened my hair making it look nice. I lotioned my body up and finally slipped into the dress. Finally as soon as a was ready and said my goodbyes to my parents I heard a knock at the door.

"Hello", I smiled.

"Wow are you gorgeous", he laughed.

"Thank you handsome", I giggled.

"Come on let's go we can't be late", she said holding out his hand.

Mystery man took me to dinner. According to him we were going to dinner and a movie. He was watching the time closely .

"So may I get your name now", he asked.

"Laila Burns", I smiled.

Something about this man kept me smiling. I'm sure I'd have cramps in my face before we got to the next location.

"Well Laila tell me about yourself", he smiled.

"Alright I'm from Michigan. I'm just hear on vacation with my family for an early graduation gift. I graduated from Wayne State University where I earned a degree in nursing. I am twenty one years old. I have zeros kids", I smiled.

I noticed he shifted when I mentioned my age. I brushed it off. He reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

"This date tell me about you. On our next date I'll tell you all about me", he smiled.

Finally we were headed to our last location. When we pulled up it looked like some Grammy type stuff. Cameras everywhere, people dressed up, and fans screaming.

"What is this", I smiled nervously.

"This here is a movie premiere", he started, "I am a main character in the Black Panther Movie. I had such a great time with you these past few days. So now I wanted you to join me here".

My jaw dropped and I was lost for words.

"My name is Michael Bakari Jordan by the way. Now brace yourself we must get out there. Stay close to me and don't wonder. Don't answer questions or anything. Just pose and smile", he listed.

He kissed my lips softly then grabbed my hand. He opened the door and we went out onto the red carpet.

"Michael who is this lady you're with"
"Michael who are you wearing"
"Lady who are you wearing"
"Are you a couple now"
"Where did you meet"
"Sweetheart what's your name"

Finally we got to the posing part. There were so many flashing lights, and so many people yelling and screaming.

My favorite picture was when he placed his hand just bellow my but and kissed my lips softly.

It was over and now we were taking out seats. The movie started and it was off to a good start.
"So this here is the afterparty. Stay with me I'd hate to loose you", he winked.

"Michael that movie was so good. Like I love how good you were. This movie was really amazing" I said said as we walked into the building.

"Thank you baby I'm glad you liked it" he said as he leaned over to kiss my cheek.

When we finally go into the party it was amazing. I was sure to call my parents and tell them not to wait up. Also that is explain it all when I got home.

I met so many people today. When I met Kendrick Lamar he actually had me sing for him. The criticism he gave me was to work with it a little more and I could really make a career out of it. Truth is I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I like nursing especially since I just spent thousands of dollars training to do so. Then again I'm a little in debt. He gave me his number and told me to call him if I wanted to work with him on it. Which he highly suggested I do.

"Well beautiful lets hit the dance floor", Michael smiled.

I giggle and followed him out. I locked my hands together behind his neck and we swayed back and forth.

"You are really beautiful. If I'm honest I wasn't sure if I wanted to take you to this event, however, I am glad I did. How long are you here for", he questioned.

"Well I have two more days then I leave in the fifth", I said.

"What's your next move. Not that you've graduated from college", he asked.

"Well I really want to get out of Michigan. I the plan was always to go somewhere warm you know? I was thinking Florida", I said.

"Oh, I see. Were you considering here maybe", he asked

"Well yes but there's ups and downs you know. The traffic, expenses, or not knowing anyone", I listed.

"Well you should consider it. And you actually would know someone... me" he smiled.

"Good thinking" I said before I kissed him.

We continued to dance but finally I was headed home. Just a little drunk but not to drunk. Michael walked me to the door as soon as we got to the hotel.

"I had a really great time", I giggled pressing myself against him.

"Well I'm glad baby", he said licking his lips.

I stared into his eyes and brought my face closer to his. He lips kissed mine passionately. His hands cupped my face gently. When he pulled back he just looked at me with a smile.

"Laila I don't want this to end after you leave for Michigan and I go to L.A", he expressed.

"Michael I don't want it to either. But-", I started.

"But nothing we can do long distance", he said.

"Michael I want to, but are you sure", I questioned.

"Baby I'm beyond sure. I've really only know you for maybe three days. You know I'm having an amazing time with you. I don't want it to end", he smiled.

"If you really mean it then yes. Let's take it slow. Get to know each other first", I smiled big.

"Really?", he smiled bigger.

I nodded and he kissed me. He kissed me, but I could tell he was so happy. He kept smiling through the kiss.

"Ok baby go in and rest up. I'll call you tomorrow", he smiled.

I kissed him once more hen got ready for bed. I was tired.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now