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"And now for the vows... Michael", the preacher said.

"Laila... baby I love you so much. When we first met you were so perfect. You're the love of my life. You give me happiness and love. That's all I could ever want. Thank you for my daughter. You and Mia mean so much to me. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and her", I said letting a tear drop down his face.

"Michael Barkari Jordan. You're me happiness, love of my life, and father of my child. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You're my soul mate. The one I am supposed to be with for the rest of my life. I hate being without you. I never want to be without you. I love you so much baby", I smiled wiping his tear.

"Laila and Michael please face one another and join hands. Under the eyes of God, Laila, do you take Michael to be your lawfully wedded husband? By making this commitment, you are joining in the sacred covenant of marriage. Do you promise to honor him in love, to be sensitive to his needs, to comfort him in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in him, so long as you both shall live", the preacher said.

"I do", I smiled.

"Under the eyes of God, Michael , do you take Laila to be your lawfully wedded wife? By making this commitment, you are joining in the covenant of marriage. Do you promise to honor her in love, to be sensitive to her needs, to comfort her in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in her, so long as you both shall live", the preacher asked.

"I do", Michael smiled.

"To commemorate this union, you may now exchange rings. The circle formed by each ring symbolizes your eternal love and commitment to one another. Let these rings remind you always of that love, and of the promises you have made here on this day. Will each of you please repeat after me as you place the ring on your loved ones hand", the leash asked.

"I, Laila, give you Michael this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed", I said placing his ring on his finger.

" I, Michael , give you Laila this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed", Michael said placing my ring on my finger.

"By the power vested in me, by the Universal Life Church and by the state of California, I pronounce you, Laila and Michael as wife and husband, lawfully wedded before God. Michael , you may now kiss the bride, forever sealing your union Ladies and gentlemen", the preacher said.

Michael grabbed my waist and pulled me close. He kissed me so passionately sealing out love forever.

"It is my pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Laila and Michael Jordan!", the preacher said.

"Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Jordan who are now about to have their first dance as a married couple", the MC shouted.

Michael led me out to the dance floor. We got in position and waited for the music to start. For our first dance we chose "You Are" by Charlie Wilson.

"How are you liking it baby", he asked.

"I love it so much. Thank you baby this is amazing", I said giving him a kiss.

"No problem baby ready to know where the honey moon is", he asked.

"Yes where is it", I asked anxiously.

"We are going to Punta Canta",he said.

The night was perfect. We danced, we talked to people, thanked people, and ate cake. The night was as perfect as could be.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now