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They next day Florida called back. They said hey wanted me. However, before I could even say anything they said they couldn't give me the benefits I needed. They woke me up for some crap. They should have just said no at that cost.

When I got off the phone Michael stared at me in his sleepy eyes waiting for me to tell him what was said.

"Well they said I could get the job if I agreed to not having insurance benefits that I would need. And they can't offer moving cost. Really all I needed was them to pay for the first months rent if I decided to pick them", I stated.

"Who does give you everything you need", he asked.

"Texas and LA", I said.

"So what's your plan", he asked.

"Baby I think I want Texas", I smiled nervously.

I searched his face for emotion. Any sort of of emotion. He smiled.

"Baby I'm happy for you. It's amazing that you have so many offers. You're really working everything for yourself", he said.

"Michael I'm so happy and relieved. I was scared you'd freak out and start to rethink the things you said last night. I want us to work. But I want a good career so I can make it big", I said.

"Baby there's no way I'd take that back. I meant all I said last night. I ain't letting you go for anything. Right now you my princess. I can't let you go", he said.

I smiled and leaned in kissing him. Mentally I thanked myself for getting up to brush my teeth. We laid around for another hour. Just another hour of him hugging me and pulling me close.

Michael and I are aight seeing. Well he is. I'm just showing him around. So far we've toured the Renaissance Center, saw half of a Tiger game, walked around the lions stadium, looked around motor city. Now we need to eat. Walburgers it is.

"So this place is owned and ran by Mark Walburgs family?", Michael asked.

"Well yes and yes but they run it from a distance", I said.

"Oh that's nice... have you contacted Texas?", he asked.

"Yes I shot them an email while we waited for you to get ready", I giggled.

"Hey I have to take pride in what I look like. Did they ever email you back", he asked.

"Yes they did. I just haven't looked yet", I said.

"Well check it girl", he said.

"Alright boy", I laughed.

I whipped out my phone and read the email. I read it twice actually.

"So...", he trailed.

"Well they offered me a small house, twenty-five dollars an hour, and to pay for cost of moving truck", I said.

"Damn they must really want you", he said.

"Yes I know. I read it twice to make sure I read it right", I smiled.

"So when must you be there", he asked.

"Well I believe it said be there Monday and start Tuesday", I said scrolling.

"Damn tomorrow is Saturday", he said.

I nodded nervously. This is moving quick.

"Well I'm finished. How about we get some boxes and go pack. You also need to tel your parents", he said.

As far as my parents know I was deciding. I wanted to tell them earlier but they hard already left for work.


Michael and I are packing. My parents left a note saying they would be out to dinner while my brother was at his friend house down the street.

We played some music as we packed my clothes in bags. And my important memories in boxes.

Finally my parents were home and brought my brother. Michael and I sat everyone in the living room so we could talk.

"So you all know how I applied to jobs and all except Arizona accepted me", I started, "well I decided on Texas. I have perfect benefits, a house fully furnished, and I get paid twenty-two dollars an hour".

They stared at me silently.

"We are proud that you got these opportunities. We are glad and we give
You are blessing. We will miss you way more than you know, but this is your job and it matter", my dad said looking towards my mother.

We all hugged then turned on a movie. Most of the packing was done. We all laid around the tv room watching Fast and Furious eight.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now