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I woke up multiple times throughout the night. I just couldn't sleep as well. I was completely uncomfortable.

I opened my eyes and looked at Michael. He was still sound asleep. I checked my phone. I had an email. Just the email I needed. I decided not to wake Michael. I was still kinda tired as it is. So I turned and went back to sleep.

"Baby wake up we have a meeting in and hour and a half", he said.

"I'm don't wanna", I moaned.

"You have to baby", he said.

I rolled and faced him.

"I have news", I stretched trying to wake myself up.

"Go ahead", he waited.

"Well I talked with Jack he says I can still have my job in LA if I want it", I said.

"Baby maybe you should wait a while. Maybe come stay with me for a few days. You can go to work then. I think that you might develop a little stress after the meeting", Michael said rubbing is head.

I nodded and nuzzled my head in his chest. I mean he's not wrong it would be nice for a few days off. I picked up my phone and shot Jack an email. Maybe this would be good for me.

"You gotta get dressed", he said standing up.

I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head. I heard footsteps walk to my side of the bed. The blanket lifted and Michael stood staring at me with a compassionate smile. He sat me up and undressed me. I saw he had some clothes for me. I began to dress myself.

"I'll do it baby", he said.

He began to dress me and everything while he did the same for himself. We were out the door in the next twenty minutes. The car is quiet as we drive to the hospital. We headed to the conference room where the meeting is held. Michael knocked on the door and we heard a voice telling us to come in. Michael entered with me tiptoeing behind.

"Ms. Burns come in and I see you've brought Mr...", he trailed off waiting for Michael's name.

"Jordan. Mr. Jordan", Michael said.

We sat in the seats after shaking hands with every in the room. We off course we didn't shake hands with Lincoln.

"So why don't you start off telling us your side", said My lawyer Jackson.

"Well on my first day Lincoln had began to compliment me. He was stare me down as I walked away. Then one day when I refused his offer to go out he called me a bitch and demanded I get back to work. I reported that to my boss. That same day I walked past the office Lincoln looks at me from the office with a big smirk. Later the chief tells me to keep my distance and I got reassigned to nurse Reynolds. Just yesterday I was laying in an on-call room. I had finished all my work and I was tired. So asleep but I woke up to someone touching me and removing my pants. There was Lincoln I tried to escape and he just slapped me. They the Chief came in and ordered us to his office. The chief asked me how he could make this go away so it wouldn't ruin his training surgeon", I said starting to cry.

Under the table Michael grabbed my thigh and squeezed it lightly.

"Well a unfortunately while the cameras do show you at each point we really have no proof of anything. We can't really charge him with any other than domestic violence", said the officer.

"Are you fucking kidding me. He almost raped me. I reported this to my so called boss and nothing happened. What the fuck are you gonna do when he actually does rape someone's how are you going to deal with that", I shouted.

"We are sorry ma'am. If you wish to charge him with domestic violence we ask that you sign these papers. We apologize however we can't charge him with anything else because we have no proof", said the officer.

"This some bullshit", Michael whispered.

"Give me the damn papers", I yelled.

I handed them to the lawyer and he read them over. He nodded and I signed.

Michael and I headed back to my house and finished packing and loading things onto the truck. We caught a quick nap then headed to the airport for our plane.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now