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"Let me open the door. Wait here with Mia and I'll grab her", he said.

I nodded and Michael got out of the car. He opened the door and I got out of the car. I grabbed her diaper bag while he grabbed her. I slowly made my way up the steps. I was still so sore and in pain. Michael caught up to me and took my hand. I checked on Mia who was still sleeping in the car seat.

"Set her here I wanna take her out", I said sitting in the couch.

Michael sat her down and I opened up the seat.

"Hi baby girl", I whispered.

"Hi Mia", Michael whispered.

"Let's take her on a tour of the house", I suggested.

Michael slowly took her on a walk around the house. I want her familiar with the house.

I laid her gently in her crib. Michael came up behind me and out his hands around my waist.

"Our baby girl is perfect", I smiled.

"Just like her mother", he whispered.

I turned around and gave Michael a kiss. A kiss so passionate.

"Grab the monitor please", I said walking out the room.

I went into our room and laid down.

"What are you bout to do baby", he asked.

"Well I'm going to take a nap. When she wakes up lemme get her so I don't sleep to long. Then imma start planning the wedding", I said.

"Are you sure you don't want to get a planner for that", he asked.

"No babe I can do it. Can you please do me a big favor please", I asked.

"What may that be baby", he asked.

"Can I get some pasta and a salad from the special place", I asked.

"Oh course", he Said.

Michael gave me a kiss then left. I rolled over and went to sleep.

My eyes flickered open. Mia was crying so I hopped up and headed into her room.

"Ok honey it's ok it's ok", I shushed.

She was hungry. I sat in the chair and rocked as I breast fed her. She filled up and was fast asleep. I kept rocking her though. I starred at her noticing all her little qualities. Really realizing that I'm a mom to this little baby. She's mine forever.

"Ok mama let's put you in the crib", I whispered.

I gently placed her in the crib grabbed the monitor and backed out slowly.
It's wedding time. I went downstairs and found Michael watching the basketball game.

"Hey baby your pasta is in the microwave and salad is in the fridge", Michael said.

"Ok I'm gonna heat it up. Can you grab my laptop bag", I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

He booted up the laptop and I got my food together. I plopped down next to him ready to get to work.

"What date are you thinking", I asked.

"What about May first", he suggested.

"Babe that's in three months", I said with wide eyes.

"I know but baby that's the day we met in the elevator", he said.

"If we can get everything pulled together then I'm all for it", I smiled.

"Really Baby", he asked all excited.

"Of course. Let's get planning", I smiled.

Michael and I spent the rest of the day planning and checking on Mia.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now