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Today on my fifth day I'd finally made friends with some co-workers. We started eating together and hanging out. It is so great to feel comfortable here. I was so happy to be around friends that know and understand the work schedule.

"Hey Lincoln I finished changing the IV in room 202", I said sticking my head in the room.

"That's great. Hey come here for a second I have a list of things for you", it sounded sketchy but it's my boss.

I walked over and he stood up handing me a piece of paper.

"So I was thinking maybe we could go out tonight", he proposed.

"I'm actually good I have a video chat with my boyfriend", I smiled.

"Yea whatever handle your work bitch", He said rolling his eyes and walking out.

I'm so sick of Lincoln hitting on me. Honestly I'm getting close to reporting him. I mean you'd think he'd take a hint. Crazy thing is I'm thinking all this on my fifth day of work. This is sexual harassment.

I finished the last list then headed home. I was so tired, and I really miss Michael. I got home and set up my laptop. Finally his call came in.

"Hey baby what's happening", he askedz

"Nothing much just missing you", I smiled.

"I miss you too baby. I actually got a week off from the movie so I can come visit you", he said.

"Baby that sounds so great I can't wait", I said .

"Is that guy still hitting on you", he asked.

"Yes... I think I'm actually going to report him tomorrow. He had asked me out and when I said no he got all pissed and stormed out calling me a bitch", I said rolling my eyes.

"Ohhh I swear I'm coming to beat his ass. What reason does he have to be insulting you like that. Imma fuck his ass up", Michael said.

"I know baby just let me handle it", I said.

Michael and I fell asleep on the phone. I'm sure I'd regret staying up so late tomorrow morning.

"Hello Chief Jacobs I was just wanting to talk about something", I spoke softly.

"Well go ahead Ms. Burns", he said.

"Well I feel that I am being harassed by my boss Lincoln Albert", I said.

Chief dropped his pen and took off his glasses.

"Go on", he said.

"Well on the first day I was complimented but then he keeps asking me out and gets mad when I say no", I said.

"Is that it", he asked.

"He um called me a bitch when I refused his offer yesterday", I said.

"I'll handle it", he said.

I walked out feeling like a big weight lifted off my shoulders. Finally this man would just leave me the hell alone.

I walked past the office while he was in there. I was hoping to see him getting written up or fired. However they were laughing and all that. I was so confused until Lincoln looked at me and smirked.


"Well we addressed the situation. Now maybe you and Lincoln should keep a distance", he said.

"Was he written up", I asked.

"No but I had a stern talking with him and he shall be handled. You have no worries", he said.

I walked out of his office confused. I sat in the lunch room thinking as I took my break. They really just brushed this off. I mean I know he hasn't done anything really but he could.

I FaceTimed Michael's number. I was just gonna leave a message since he's on set right now.

"Hey baby what's up", he said.

"I'm so pissed off right now. So I reported Lincoln to the chief right. That was like early this morning. So I get called back and the chief tell me to keep my distance. So I ask if he was written up but noooo Chief said he had a stern talking to", I said.

"What the hell is going through the minds of these people. I mean what type of hospital are they running", he said.

My phone vibrated max it was an email from the chief.

"Hold yo I got an email from the chief", I said.

"Read it girl", he said.

I opened the emailed and skimmed through it. This email while a relief was both a bad thing too.

"Basically Chief was telling me I'd be working under Dr. Reynolds now. But I mean that still doesn't replace the fact that he as harassed me", I said.

"Baby I gotta get back breaks over. Text me throughout the day if anything happens. Oh and of course and if there's an emergency call me", he said.

"Ok baby see you soon", I said ending the call.

My break still had a whole so I made a call. Hopefully that would still work.

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