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"Michael can we start the babies room today please", I begged Michael.

Michael had a day off today. With me being five weeks away from my due date the hospital said I can start my maturity leave early. Thank God though. My feet are swollen and I can barely walk.

Michael took back the pink paint. We decided to paint the the walls grey and the ceiling white. We got pink curtains.

"Yes in ten minutes. There's something I want to talk with you about", he said.

"Ok go ahead", I smiled.

"What should we name our daughter. Now just stating now I don't want to name her anything crazy", Michael stated.

"What letter should her name start with", I asked.

"Maybe A", he suggested.

"Adrian Michael", I suggested.

"I don't like it", he laughed.

"I don't either and quite frankly I don't think she would look right with a name starting with an A", I said.

"Baby you don't even know what she looks like yet", he laughed.

"I know but I know her so well", I said.

"Just cause you carried her means nothing", he laughed.

"Fine fine fine but I do have a name that I think you'd like... Mia Elisa Michael", I smiled.

"I love her first and last name. It sounds so perfect but the middle name doesn't fit the flow. What about Mia Angie Michael", he suggested.

"Oh my goodness baby I love it. It fits little peanut so well. Feel. She's moving", I cried.

"That's my baby", he smiled.

"Ok ok ok let's start her room. I'm ready to nest", I said jumping outta bed.

"What the hell is that", Michael Laughed.

"Baby you haven't been reading the book. Nesting is where I am trying to make a certain place or area ready for something or someone. For instance I'm ready to have the baby shower and unpack everything in her room. Ready to place everything in the correct spot", I explained.

"Well you've been doing that since we moved in. Driving me crazy", he expressed.

"I have not", I shot back.

"Yes you have. First we unpacked the house and all that then you went crazy making sure everything in the house was safe and looking right as if Obama were coming to our house", he explained.

"Yea I guess", I giggled.

"Babe lemme hang up the 'M'. You fix the frame it's not right", I said.

We were pretty much done. We just have to add the stuff from the baby shower. The shower is actually next week. Michael's sister planned the baby shower for us.

Michael got called into work. Doesn't matter because we are done now. Michael went and picked me up some pasta before heading in. From there on I ate the pasta and slept like a log.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now