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"Michael stir the noodles" I shouted from upstairs.

Donna called and said they were five minutes away. I'm changing into a nice black dress. Michael bought this dress like two weeks ago. Yesterday he suggested I try it today.

I heard a knock on the door. I checked one last time that I was presentable then went downstairs.

"Hi Donna and Michael nice to see you again", I said leaning in for hugs.

"You as well", Michael A. said.

"Let me give you to tour", I smiled.

"No I can't believe that's what you said to her", my mother laughed.

Dinner was going amazingly amazing. Our parents where getting along great.

"Yes I had to. I wasn't going to let anyone talk to my husband like that", Donna said.

"I hear ya sister. That kinda shit will not work for me", my mom said.

"So Michael do you guys plan on living here long. I mean this place is kind of open to the public. Unsafe for a big celebrity like you", Michael A. asked.

"Well we haven't really talked about that yet but I think it's something to keep in mind", Michael B. Said.

"Yea I actually never thought about that", I said.

"Can I have everyone's attention", Michael B. Stood up.

We all got quiet and waited for his next words.

"So Laila will probably kill me for telling you this so early. We have been trying for a baby. We talked about it and decided that we are at a place where we are ready to take a big step. I feel like this woman is an amazing person to have in my life and I'm so lucky and thankful that I have her. I wouldn't want to loose her", Michael said.

He held out his hand and I grabbed it. I stood up and he kissed me.

"Laila I know that you are a few years younger than me. It's obvious that I don't care. I love you and I want a life with you and family with you", he said.

Michael got on one knee and looked at me with a huge smile.

"Baby make me so happy and marry me please", he asked.

"Oh my goodness Michael yes oh my goodness I'll marry you", I cried.

"Awwww silky silky", my father cheered.

"Oooooh I'm getting married", Michael cheered.

I grabbed Michael's face and gave him a big kiss.


"Baby do you like the ring. Your mom said that you'd like simple", he asked.

"Yes baby it's more than perfect. You had my mom in on it", I asked.

"I had my parents and yours in on it", he laughed.

"Is that so baby", I smiled.

I dropped my dress and straddled Michael.

"Hi fiancé", I smiled.

"Hi soon to be wife", he chuckled.

I leaned in and kissed Michael. Slow and passionately I kissed him. I stripped him of his clothes and took off my dress. Michael flipped us over and did not hold back.

He thrusted into me slowly. This night was not about lust, it was pure love.

"Awe yes Michael", I moan quietly.

"I love you so much baby", he breathed.

He kept going slowly until we both finished.

"I love you baby sleep good", he whispered.

"I love you too", I smiled.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now