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My mother woke me up his morning and told me to get ready to go. I really didn't want to go.

I know I'd miss Michael. I really didn't want to leave him. He made me feel so good. Not just in a sexual way but as a person.

While we sat at the airport I continued to fight the urge to google him. I feel like if I google him I'm gonna find out something he regrets. I think I'm just gonna let him tell me.


Finally I was home. My house was nice and toasty. Graduation was two days away. Im so nervous. I'm really an adult now. I'm twenty-one years old.

I checked my emails and noticed I had emails from the hospitals I applied for.
I was in for an interview for each of them. They agreed to video chat me due to the fact that I don't live there.

I emailed them back then jumped on my bed. I dialed Michael's number and waited patiently for him to answer.

"What's up baby are you home", he asked.

Oh how I missed his voice already.

"Yes I am home and settled. Wanna hear something incredible", I grinned.

"Always", he said.

"Well I applied for jobs in Florida, Arizona, and LA right. And they all want to interview me", I squealed.

"Baby I'm so proud of you. Your hard work really paid off", she cheered.

"I know thank you. Then when I get off the phone with you I'll call Kendrick", I said.

"Baby I'm so happy for you. I have just a little bad news though", he said.

I was silent and just waited.

"Well you know how I am the lead in Creed two?", He asked.

"Yes", I said.

"Well tomorrow we will be shooting all day. So I won't get to talk To you at all", he said.

"That's fine babe I trust that you are working and I understand that you are working. I respect your career", I said.

"Oh man I made the right decision keeping you in my life", he said.

"Yes you did.  Ok let me call Kendrick before I get to late there", I said.

"Alright baby text me when y'all done"

"Ok I will", I said.

I hung with him then called Kendrick Lamar. Not something I thought I'd ever say.


This day was so long. I scheduled all of my interviews for tomorrow. I really hope I get the one in LA. I don't know how I'd bring that up to my parents. I just don't want to hear the crap about how I'm just moving out there to be with him or how I need to take it slow.
I'm twenty-one years old I know what I'm doing. Plus I'm not moving out there for him. If I get this hospital job it would be perfect. I mean really it's one of the best hospitals in California. Then on top of that Kendrick said he wants to do a song with me. Of course that doesn't mean I'll continue with a singer career. Kendrick and I agreed that we'd take it slow and see where it goes. That was what I wanted of course. It's just a lot happening at once.

Once everything was finished around the house I called Michaels we talked all night. This guy is driving me nuts. I never thought I'd fall for someone so much older but i have to say this is really perfect.

I didn't stay up late because of the interviews. I need my rest because the interview is at twelve tomorrow.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now